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The watchman on the tower gazed upon a fair scene outspread before him; at his feet rolled the river, broad and deep, spanned by a rude wooden bridge; behind him rose the hills, crowned with forest; on his right hand lay the lowly habitations of the tenantry, the farmhouses of the churls, the yet humbler dwellings of the thralls or tillers of the soil; the barns and stables were filled with the produce of a goodly harvest; the meadows full of sheep and oxen a scene of rich pastoral beauty.

"Thou tellest marvels indeed," said he; "but how then? if all the churls work not, shall there not be famine and lack of wares?" "Famine enough," said I, "yet not from lack of wares; it shall be clean contrary.

Of books but few, some fifty score For daily use, and bound for wear; The rest upon an upper floor; Some LITTLE luxury THERE Of red morocco's gilded gleam, And vellum rich as country cream. Busts, cameos, gems, such things as these, Which others often show for pride, I value for their power to please, And selfish churls deride; ONE Stradivarius, I confess, TWO Meerschaums, I would fain possess.

"I never doubted that; but it makes me mad as it does all Eastern and Northern men to hear these Wessex churls and Godwinssons calling themselves all England." Torfrida shook her head. To her, as to most foreigners, Wessex and the southeast counties were England; the most civilized; the most Norman; the seat of royalty; having all the prestige of law, and order, and wealth.

"Thou timid child! frightened with the ravings of a discarded wanton. She and her following of churls can do nothing against the Son of Ptah. The moles in the necropolis are richer than they. None of loyal Egypt will espouse their cause, and without money how shall they get them mercenaries? Nay, why vex thee with matters of state? All that is required of thee is thy heart for Rameses, no more."

It flashed through Angele's mind even as she answered the gurgling salutations of the triumvirate that they had been got together for no gentle summer sailing in the Channel. Her conscience smote her that she should use such churls; but she gave it comfort by the thought that while serving her they could do naught worse; and her cause was good.

"I have been fain of late," he said, "to set the better leg foremost, to handle some of my masters somewhat plainly; for they thought I would droop; and whatsoever becomes of me, you shall hear I will keep my reputation, or die for it." But one great accusation, made against the churls and tinkers, and bakers and hired advocates, and Mr.

"Sith it shall so be, unsling me your cross-bow so: now make it ready good; place me a quarrel. Ay, keep it so, and look upon me grimly." "What meaneth this?" asked Dick. "Why, my master, if I steal you across, it must be under force or fear," replied the ferryman; "for else, if John Fenne got wind of it, he were like to prove my most distressful neighbour." "Do these churls ride so roughly?"

I thought you at Court were not the fools of such fancies! Aren't they fitter for rustic churls, Mr Darrell? God save us, do we live in the days of King James?" He answered me shortly and sternly, as though I had spoken of things not to be named lightly. "It is devil's work, all of it." "Then the devil is busier than he seems, even after a night at Court," I said.

Wherewith Stephen and Ambrose found themselves walked out of the cloister of Saint Grimbald, and the gates shut behind them. "The reul of Saint Maure and of Saint Beneit Because that it was old and some deale streit This ilke monk let old things pace He held ever of the new world the trace." Chaucer. "The churls!" exclaimed Stephen. "Poor old man!" said Ambrose; "I hope they are good to him!"