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"He was ready enough to accuse you," put in Jack. "Say, Tom, old man, why don't you come out and tell us where you went that night and why? Tell us what you did how your sweater got away from you, and was found on the farm. Go ahead!" "Do!" urged Bert. But Tom shook his head. "I can't not yet," he said. "I promised Ray " He stopped suddenly. His chums leaned forward eagerly.

Someone is evidently going to confess." "And clear Tom?" "It looks that way. I wish he'd taken us into his confidence. We might have helped him. Wow, what a night!" There came a fiercer blast of the storm, and a harder dash of rain against the window. The two chums decided they could do nothing. They would have to wait until Tom returned. And they sat in anxious silence, until that should happen.

But she was immediately ashamed of that, and told herself that it was pretty hard on the poor kid, and that after all he must hate the country worse than she did, even, which would certainly mean a good deal; and that she supposed he missed his boy chums just as much as she missed her friends, and found it just as hard to fit himself comfortably into a life for which he had no liking.

Frank Langdon, as mentioned before, was the son of the banker, and having lived up in Maine knew about all there was to know about the tricks of campers; since his chums as yet had had only limited chances to discover what the extent of his knowledge might be, they were very anxious to put Frank to the test, and learn a few of the said wrinkles, calculated to make them better sportsmen.

Tall, with a pleasant, tranquil face and beautiful brown hair, she wore a large white apron over her plainly made dress of black poplin; for although they had a regular servant, she saw to the cooking, for she was proud of certain of her dishes, and she put the household on a footing of middle-class cleanliness and love of cheer. She and Claude became old chums at once.

They became nervous. "I really feel as though I must scream sometimes!" said Nellie Agnew, almost in tears, one afternoon as the particular chums of Central High left the building for home. "I know my lessons just as well as ever, but Gee Gee has got me so worked up that I expect to fail every time I come up to recite to her." "She is too old to teach, anyway," snapped Jess. "My mother says so.

The explanation, as Dick presently furnished it to Laura Bentley, was a simple one. Dick had been handling the funds of the six boys on this expedition, which had held out much longer than any of his chums had known.

"Pick off those two men, boys!" Instantly rifles began to crack, and as the bullets sang about the ears of the Huns they stopped their incendiary operations and began to run. How they thought they could escape is inexplainable. They were surrounded by Americans, and were some distance away from their own lines. "Come on, fellows!" cried Jimmy to his chums. "Don't let 'em get away.

"Each one of us can carry some of the food," Dick replied. Then his eye, roving from face to face, took in the fact that his chums were not impressed with the proposed method of transportation. "Cheer up, fellows," he begged. "You'll find that it will be pretty easy, after all." "I'd rather believe you, Dick, than have it proved to me," was Tom Reade's dejected answer.

His spirits dropped at once, and he was indulging in reminiscences tinged with melancholy, for he had loved her as one of the faithful chums of his youth, niching her with Troup, Fish, and other enthusiastic friends of that time, when to his surprise she entered abruptly, and drew the tapestry behind her. "You wicked varlet!" she exclaimed.