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"Find anything?" he asked in as quiet a tone as he could command. "No," there was a tired and worried look in her eyes. "I'm afraid the map is not here." "By the way," he said in a casual way, "does your brother happen to have a pal living at Landensport on the coast?" "Why, yes," she said quickly, "that's Alfred Brightwood. They were chums in Brimward Academy." "I thought that might be so."

There was the sound of someone approaching through the bushes. "Cow, I guess," said Bart. "It's Frank!" cried Ned, jumping to his feet, and, the next instant Frank was in the midst of his chums. He looked worn and tired, and his clothes were covered with mud and water. "Where in the world have you been? What has happened to you?" cried Bart.

A pretty fellow at the corner would suddenly double himself up with beckoning to a knot of chums; these would hasten up; recruits would come in from two or three other directions; as they reached the corner their countenances would quickly assume a genteel severity, and presently, with her mother, 'Tite Poulette would pass tall, straight, lithe, her great black eyes made tender by their sweeping lashes, the faintest tint of color in her Southern cheek, her form all grace, her carriage a wonder of simple dignity.

But in her heart she was glad to see Enid in the position of hostess. Her life had been full of tragedy. Stolen from her wealthy parents, she had not known a home or friends until the previous year when she had been rescued by the chums on Campers' Trail. The car in which the girls were travelling belonged to Enid's father, and the girl was glad to show her friends around the place.

Again the boys sat back in their corner to wait, huddled together for the sake of companionship, and wondering what had become of their chums at the cottage. "They ought to be here by this time," Jimmie complained, in a whisper. "I left plenty of instructions regarding the route."

Allison, while we tell you about Mabel." Then Anne began with the winning of the freshman prize by Mabel at the close of her freshman year, and the interest she had aroused in the girl chums, and followed with the story of her adoption by the Phi Sigma Tau. Mrs. Allison listened in rapt attention until Anne had finished. "God is good," she murmured.

You and she were rather chums, years ago. "Yes," I answered, "I remember her." "Well, she died, poor girl, three years ago." She was rubbing paint into her cheeks as she spoke. "She asked me if ever I saw you to give you this. I have been carrying it about with me ever since." She took a ring from her finger.

"I'd stand by you to the last ditch, and then some," Hugh told him, with an affectionate smile; "for we're chums, and what's the use of having a pal unless he '11 go through thick and thin for you. But I'm a little surprised about one thing, Thad." "Do you mean about my actions in that house, Hugh?"

Dan gazed steadily at his chum, but Darrin seemed too deeply absorbed in his work to be conscious of the gaze. On the whole studies and recitations passed off rather pleasantly for both chums that day, though both could see that there were breakers ahead. After supper a few minutes were allowed for recreation, which consisted mostly of an opportunity for the midshipmen to chat with each other.

When Danny's chums learned that it was known who had set the boat adrift, they were rather frightened. When they realized the damage they might have done, they kept away from Mr. Bobbsey's lumber yard for a long time. One day, about a week after this, the Bobbsey twins hurried home from school without stopping to play with any of their friends.