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He settled himself comfortably so as to face Johnny Chuck and Peter and at the same time watch Little Joe out of the corner of one big, goggly eye. "Chug-a-rum!" said he, as once more Little Joe splashed into the Smiling Pool. "Did you ever hear about Little Joe's family secret?" he asked in his deep gruff voice. "No," cried Peter Rabbit. "Do tell us about it! I just love secrets."

When the last one was out of sight, all but a leg which was left sticking out of a corner of Grandfather Frog's big mouth, one of the Merry Little Breezes ventured to ask him what became of Mr. Toad's old suit. Grandfather Frog settled himself comfortably on the big green lily pad and folded his hands across his white and yellow waistcoat. "Chug-a-rum," began Grandfather Frog. "Once upon a time "

Grandfather Frog was sitting on his big green lily-pad in the warm sunshine, and for once he didn't have to be teased for a story. "Chug-a-rum!" said he in his deep voice. "It's very strange to me how little some folks know about their nearest neighbors." He looked up and winked at jolly, round, bright Mr. Sun.

Grandfather's big goggly eyes sparkled and he gave a funny little hop up into the air as he caught each foolish green fly. When the last one was safely inside his white and yellow waistcoat he settled himself comfortably on the big green lily pad and folded his hands over the foolish green flies. "Chug-a-rum!" said Grandfather Frog. "What is it you want this morning?"

"Chug-a-rum," said Great-Grandfather Frog, gruffly, "how should I know?" You see, Grandfather Frog likes to be teased a little. "Oh, but you do know, for you are so old and so very wise," cried the Merry Little Breezes all together. Grandfather Frog smiled, for he likes to be thought very wise, and also he was feeling very good, very good indeed that morning. "Chug-a-rum," said Grandfather Frog.

Right over to the big green lily pad they blew the green flies. "Chug-a-rum! Chug-a-rum! Chug-a-rum!" said Grandfather Frog, as each fat, foolish, green fly disappeared inside his white and yellow waistcoat.

He said a lot of unkind things about Buster Bear and about Billy Mink and Grandfather Frog and Jerry Muskrat, because they had laughed at the smartness of Buster. "He's nothing but a great big bully and thief!" declared Little Joe. "Chug-a-rum!

"If I were, I would give you a handsome coat, too, Grandfather Frog," replied Peter. Grandfather Frog suddenly swelled out with indignation. "Chug-a-rum! Chug-a-rum! What's the matter with the coat I have got, Peter Rabbit? Tell me that! Who's got a handsomer one?" Grandfather Frog glared with his great, goggly eyes at Peter. "I didn't mean to say that you haven't got a handsome coat.

"I wonder why it is that Peter Rabbit has such long ears," said the Merry Little Breeze. "Chug-a-rum!" replied a great, deep voice right behind him. All the Merry Little Breezes jumped up and ran through the rushes to the very edge of the Smiling Pool.

"Chug-a-rum!" said Grandfather Frog, folding his hands across his white and yellow waistcoat, "if you will sit still until I finish, I'll tell you; but if you move or ask any foolish questions, I'll stop right where I am, and you'll never hear the end of the story, for no one else knows it." Of course Peter and Johnny promised to sit perfectly still and not say a word.