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'To be sure, to be sure! said the Jew, who had entered unseen by Oliver. 'It all lies in a nutshell my dear; in a nutshell, take the Dodger's word for it. Ha! ha! ha! He understands the catechism of his trade. The old man rubbed his hands gleefully together, as he corroborated the Dodger's reasoning in these terms; and chuckled with delight at his pupil's proficiency.

You haven't taken me very much into your confidence, van Heerden." "You know everything." Milsom chuckled. "I know that in the safe of my office you have a thousand sealed envelopes addressed, as I gather, to all the scallywags of the world, and I know pretty well what you intend doing; but how do you benefit? And how do I benefit?" Van Heerden had recovered his self-possession.

I'd been wishing he would ask you and now!" Polly sighed. "Anyway, he wanted to talk with you about something!" she chuckled. "But it's so mysterious!" She said good-bye and then came back. "I happened to think," she whispered, "why can't you come over to our house and telephone to him? He'll never know where you are." Miss Sterling shook her head. "It wouldn't do!

Again that thin voice from the tree, and the long, skinny arm handed down a second stick, more bulky than the other. "Gib to odder big fella. You no see. He for Missy Houten." "Everything laid out like a stage set," chuckled Little. "We are surely horning in on the deep, deep stuff, skipper. I suppose Houten will drop in on us next, appearing out of a pink cloud, or something. Golly!

He had forgotten that relative to altitudes there are always two angles of vision that from the summit and that from the green valley below. Kitty saw him beyond the tree line, but just this side of the snows and matched his condescension with pity! He chuckled. Doddering old ass, what did it matter how she looked at him? Beautiful and young and full of common sense, yet dangerously romantical.

"Oh! what did you think you saw then, Owen?" gasped Horatio, as, chancing to fix his gaze on the other, he noticed him suddenly elevate his gun, as though tempted to shoot the same. Owen chuckled. "It was only a frisky rabbit, after all," he announced calmly enough. "I was just covering him to find out how easy I could nail the rascal, if only I was out hunting game instead of a lost boy.

The Irishman thrust out his hand. "Stay out of high vack, Foster. Too bad you didn't join us instead of the Planeteers. I might have made a decent officer out of you." Rip grinned. "That's a real compliment, sir. I might return it by saying that you have the makings of a Planeteer officer yourself." O'Brine chuckled. "All right. Let's declare a truce, Planeteer. We'll meet again.

Twenty Kalubis have ruled the Pongo since that day; some have ruled for many years and some have ruled for a few years that depends upon the will of my brother, the god yonder," and he chuckled horribly and jerked his thumb backwards over his shoulder towards the forest on the mountain. "Yes, twenty have ruled, some for thirty years and none for less than four."

If half my agent tells me is true, the fellow must be a most confounded blackguard, up to the eyes in all manner of ungodly traffic. By rights we ought to have kicked him out years ago. But," his lordship chuckled "I scruple to be hard on any man. We're none of us perfect, live and let live, you know.

"It does work ye up, doesn't it?" the storekeeper chuckled. "Work me up! Why, I'm bilin' hot. But fer the love of heaven, isn't there anything on that list ye do keep? Guess we'll have to send to Eaton's after all, only them things are wanted right away." The storekeeper again studied the list, and with a pencil scored out the articles he did not have.