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"You won't do anything of the kind," said the captain, speaking with the utmost coolness, but with that paling of the countenance and glitter of the eyes that Colonel Briggs would have done well to heed. "Strikes me, stranger, you're rather peart in your observations," said the leader with an odd chuckle; "we ain't used to having people speak to us in that style."

In Italy silk-making like glass-making was held to be one of the most honorable of occupations; and silk-makers intermarried with the nobility, being accorded equality of rank with the best born families." Père Benedict paused for breath; then gave an odd little chuckle. "I could tell you many an amusing tale of the early uses of silk," he said.

The four other children had, in the mean time, gathered around the table with anxious expectancy. With a chuckle, the now changed and brutal John Jenkins produced four pipes, and filling them with tobacco, handed one to each of his offspring and bade them smoke. "It's better than bread!" laughed the wretch hoarsely. Mary Jenkins, though of a patient nature, felt it her duty now to speak.

Through the fogged haze of sensation, in which for the moment she was almost lost, Sally heard the sudden cessation of voices below. She heard the scurrying of feet and Traill's low chuckle of ironical laughter. "It's all right!" he called to them. "Go on as far as I'm concerned. I'm nothing to do with the police. You know your own job better than I do. I don't want to interfere with it. Go on."

And Bailie MacFarlane meeting Bulldog crossing the bridge one morning as alert in step and austere in countenance as ever, asked him how he was keeping with affected sympathy, and allowed himself the luxury of a chuckle as one who has made a jocose remark.

"But what did he give in exchange for death?" I said. "Life," said that grim old man with a furtive chuckle. "It must have been a horrible life," I said. "That was not my affair," the proprietor said, lazily rattling together as he spoke a little pocketful of twenty-franc pieces.

Don't you suppose this is just another attempt to get round him? 'Timeo Danaos, you know." Miss Clifford shook her head. "I never studied Greek," she said, "but I am sure you are unjust." Roger gave a rapturous chuckle and squeezed her plump hand in his. "Never mind. 'Kind hearts are more than coronets, and simple faith than Norman blood' you know that quotation, don't you?"

Now I mean you shall come for a turn with me in my barouche; and before this bottle's empty, so you shall. 'That would be an odd thing, to be sure, replied Will, with a chuckle.

And now, as this letter has served its purpose, I'll take the liberty of destroying it," tearing it into bits and putting the bits in his pockets, "lest one of us be liable for forgery. Now for the pocket-book; you found something in mine, you may remember, Mr. Harleston." Harleston gave a faint chuckle.

Tertius away, and when he had once more bestowed him in the coupé brougham, dug him in the ribs. "Tertius!" he said, with something like a dry chuckle. "What an extraordinary thing it is that people can go about the world unconscious that other folks are taking a very close and warm interest in them!