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He thought Jimmy Skunk had played him a mean trick and for a few minutes he was very mad. But Jimmy Skunk soon told him who had filled up his doorway with the big stone. "Now you push from that side, Johnny Chuck, and I'll pull from this side, and we'll soon have this big stone out of your doorway," said Jimmy Skunk.

His great boast is, ‘that he can chuck an old gen’lm’n into the buss, shut him in, and rattle off, afore he knows where it’s a-going to’—a feat which he frequently performs, to the infinite amusement of every one but the old gentleman concerned, who, somehow or other, never can see the joke of the thing.

But be that as it will, the point lies in one simple question, and I ask you if you really thought, as a woman nearer sixty than fifty and with credit for sense, that I was going to chuck 'The Tiger' and coming over to your shop. Did you really think that?" Not for an instant had she thought it; but the time was inappropriate for saying so.

I should mention that the cat had a kitten about the age of the chuck, and, as she had more milk than the kitten could dispose of, the chuck, when we first got him, was often placed in the nest with the kitten, and was regarded by the cat as tenderly as her own, and allowed to nurse freely. Thus a friendship sprang up between the kitten and the woodchuck, which lasted as long as the latter lived.

"Take him off!" howled some one in the crowd. "Order his funeral!" "Chuck him into the next lot." "What, gentlemen, no bids for this very eligible nigger? With a few more rags he would make a most adequate scarecrow." While this disgusting banter was going on I observed a planter ride up to one of the brokers and whisper for some time in his ear.

Don't chuck them under the chin, but smile on 'em. And you've got a lovely smile, T. A." Buck looked up from the little leather book. And, as he gazed at Emma McChesney, the smile appeared and justified its praise. "I'll have this to comfort me, anyway, Emma.

Chuck Connors walks out to take the air if any of these incidents or accidents takes place, you will see the mad, irresistible rush of the "rubber" tribe to the spot. The importance of the event does not count. They gaze with equal interest and absorption at a chorus girl or at a man painting a liver pill sign.

At eight o'clock the watch was changed; Matesic replaced King. "Anything?" asked Matesic. "Just this one, Chuck," said King. "I may be a fool, but this one bothers me." King was a diplomat where Blaney was not. King showed him the entry. The dial now stood at 72.8. "It's been on there all night, since before I had the watch. And it's been climbing, just slow and steady, but all the time climbing.

"Jeff, I found a million dollars for you this morning." "Thanks!" said Mr. Baird, still not looking up. "Chuck it down in the coal cellar, will you? We're littered with the stuff up here." "On the level, Jeff." Baird looked up. "On the level?" "You'll say so." "Shoot!"

He's always turning up ashore dead broke, and even when he has some money he won't settle his bills. I don't know what to do with him. He swears at me and tells me I can't chuck a white man out into the street here. So if you only would. . . ." I was amazed. Incredulous, too. I suspected the fellow of gratuitous impertinence.