United States or Micronesia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I should be much obliged to you, Mr Betts, if you can supply me with a sextant, and the use of the chronometer, as I should like to ascertain our position." "Then you won't be obliged to me, for I don't intend to let you have them," answered the boatswain. "I can take care of this ship, and I won't have any one interfering with me." "I do not wish to interfere," said Tom.

We must leave sufficient side shake, however, on the smallest pivot and jewel for the globules of the oil to move freely, and experiments have shown conclusively that 1/2500 of an inch or 1/5000 on each side of the pivot, is as little space as it is desirable to leave for that purpose, as the globules of the best chronometer oil will refuse to enter spaces that are very much more minute.

The less precious goods were hoisted roughly; the chronometer, after repeated failures, was passed gently and successfully from hand to hand; and there remained only the more difficult business of embarking Huish. The three co-adventurers looked at each other, and Davis heaved a breath of relief. "Now let's get this chronometer fixed," said he, and led the way into the house.

When the bullet starts it will not much matter whether we are inside or in front." "If it comes to 'not much matter' I am more reassured," answered Michel Ardan. "Do you approve of my idea, Nicholl?" asked Barbicane. "Entirely," answered the captain. "Still thirteen minutes and a-half." "Nicholl is not a man," exclaimed Michel; "he is a chronometer marking the seconds, and with eight holes in "

We immediately took in studding-sails and hauled our wind, running in for the land. This was done to determine our longitude; for by the captain's chronometer we were in 25º W., but by his observations we were much farther, and he had been for some time in doubt whether it was his chronometer or his sextant which was out of order.

The chronometer gave me for the longitude of the latter mission 70 degrees 3 minutes; we had therefore made near four miles an hour, a velocity which was partly owing to the current, and partly to the action of the oars. The Indians assert that the crocodiles do not go up the Orinoco above the mouth of the Rio Jao, and that the manatees are not even found above the cataract of Maypures.

But Forsythe had indubitably taken chronometer sights in the morning, and, being most certainly sober, had doubtless worked them out and ascertained the longitude, which, with a meridian observation at noon, would give him the position of the yacht. The "big things" requiring a vote were all in Forsythe's head, and he had merely anticipated the vote.

By the time that I was satisfied of this, hunger and even faintness warned me that I must not delay preparing my breakfast. When I had finished this meal and fulfilled some necessary tasks, practical and arithmetical, the hand of the chronometer indicated the eighth hour of my third day.

I sorted out my various cans and tins, tested the oil in my chronometer, arranged in neat order my various ropes and apparatus, and got my frying-pan into readiness for any emergency. Of food we had for the present no lack. With the approach of night I realized that it was necessary to make arrangements for the girl's comfort.

The moon soon rose in cloudless splendour, and received our particular attention, for we were uncertain how soon we should be compelled to depend on the chronometer alone for the longitude, which thus far we had been enabled to connect with the survey of the colony by means of Barragundy and other hills towards Liverpool range. December 16.