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"Senors, this is senor Juan Lepe, that good physician whom we left. Now tell tell all before we go among this folk!" By water edge I told, thirty men of Spain around me. A woeful story, I made it short. These men listened, and when it was done fell a silence. Christopherus Columbus broke it. "The wave sucks under and throws out again, but we sail the sea, have sailed it and will sail it!

If they sank under us and we drowned, the King and Queen if the Queen still lived never would come to know that Christopherus Columbus had found Veragua thrice more golden even than Paria! Found Veragua, met men of Yucatan; and heard of Ciguarre. At last not only the mutinous but steadfast men cried, "If there is a strait it is too far with these ships!" For a time he was obstinate.

He had something to say of Sebastian Cabot who was finding northward for King Henry of England. But laying a fine small hand upon the Admiral's mighty one, he called him "magister et dominus, Christopherus Columbus." Winter wore away. With the spring he seemed to be better in health. He left his bed.

We had Indians aboard, but the sea and the whipping and groaning of our masts and rigging and sails and the pitching of the ship terrified them, and terror made them dull. They sat with knees drawn up and head buried in arms and shivered, and knew not Babeque from anything else. Christopherus Columbus could be very obstinate.

He shall be made Viceroy and Governor of all continents and islands that he may discover, claim and occupy for the Sovereigns. And the said Christopherus Columbus's eldest son shall hold these offices after him, and the heir of his son, and his heir, down time.

Many a voyager to come may study it." He drew deep breath. "It is the very truth! Prince Henry the Navigator. Christopherus Columbus the Navigator, and greater than the first " Sun shone, wind sang, blue sea danced beyond the door. Came from deck Roderigo Sanchez and Diego de Arana. The Admiral made me a gesture of dismissal. The Canaries and we drew together.

It must be found, it must be found! But one night there fell all but loss of the Margarita. When next he slept he had a dream. "The good Queen came to me and she had in her hand a picture of five stout ships. Out of her lips came a singing voice. 'Master Christopherus, Master Christopherus, these wait for you, riding in Cadiz harbor!

When others were by she said "Don Cristoval", or "El Almirante", but with himself alone she still said "Master Christopherus" as in the old days. At last he said, "Now, let us read." Each time he came from Spain to Hispaniola he brought books. And when ships came in there would be a packet for him. I read to him now from an old poet, printed in Venice. He listened, then at last he slept.

The secretary read: The Genoese, Cristoforo Colombo, called in Spain Cristobal Colon, and in the Latin Christopherus Columbus, states and demands in substance as follows: Sailing westward he will discover for the King and Queen of the Spains the Indies and Cathay and Cipango, to the great glory and enrichment of these Sovereigns and the passing thereby of Spain ahead of Portugal, and likewise and above all to the great glory of Christ and of Holy Church.

But Juan Lepe stayed in Hispaniola, greatly commended by the Admiral to the Adelantado. A man might attach himself to the younger as well as the elder of these brothers. Don Bartholomew had great qualities. But he hardly dreamed as did Christopherus Columbus. I loved the latter most for that for his dreams. Days and days and days! We sought for gold in the Hayna country and found a fair amount.