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Jemima had rebelled against these hard doctrines of her father's, but their frequent repetition had had its effect, and led her to look upon those who had gone astray with shrinking, shuddering recoil, instead of with a pity so Christ-like as to have both wisdom and tenderness in it.

In an instant he passed it to him, without having tasted a drop, saying, "Drink, my friend; thy necessity is yet greater than mine." Oh, in all his noble life, Sir Philip Sidney had never done so grand a deed as this! It was, in truth, a Christ-like act, though performed upon a bloody battle-field, and it will be remembered and honored while the world endures.

On the evening of July 6, Boris Strumolowski several of whose works were on show there because they were as yet too advanced to be on show anywhere else had begun well, with that aloof and rather Christ-like silence which admirably suited his youthful, round, broad cheek-boned countenance framed in bright hair banged like a girl's.

Father Zossima has talked of that more than once,” observed Alyosha; “he, too, said that the face of a man often hinders many people not practiced in love, from loving him. But yet there’s a great deal of love in mankind, and almost Christ-like love. I know that myself, Ivan.” “Well, I know nothing of it so far, and can’t understand it, and the innumerable mass of mankind are with me there.

I stood by the grave this morning of my poor, pale, clinging little friend now for some years at peace, and I thought that the tragedy of Promethean torture or Christ-like crucifixion may indeed be tremendous, but there is a tragedy too in the existence of a soul like hers, conscious of its feebleness and ever striving to overpass it, ever aware that it is an obstacle to the return of the affection of the man whom she loves.

"His charity is divine," Millicent said. "It is Christ-like, if you like." "It is true charity, for it is love, love for everything which God has created." "He is so happy that he can afford to love almost everything and everyone." "He is happy because he loves them." "I don't believe he has ever heard of hell," Millicent said. "His religion's all heaven and beauty and love."

We may regret that a subtle, but palpable ridicule is cast upon foreign missions, a cause which, whether successful or unsuccessful in its immediate objects, will forever stand recorded as one of the most unselfish, the most sublime, and the most Christ-like movements that have ever been originated by man.

The stillness of the moment at the mother's knee, the prayer repeated in the reverent, low tone of the mother's voice, the earnest prayer for him offered in his presence, the Christ-like living in the home, all carry their holy influence to his soul. He feels God, without knowing Him.

"Our sainted sister, Miss Havergal, once earnestly entreated us to write on about the needs of little children. Mrs. Herbert Taylor, now in glory, said, 'Oh continue unto the end pleading the Christ-like cause. "Yes! we are stewards, and not of money only. "Do these departed workers regret one effort made for Jesus?

Both she and her brother were deeply interested in the welfare of my people. They listened attentively to my story and from that day became my best friends. Although I have been going North now for twenty years, I have never met such welcome as was shown me at their home. I think I have never met such Christ-like people anywhere.