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Yes, room enough for them! but Christ's prescient eye looked down the ages, and saw all the unborn millions that would yet be drawn to Him uplifted on the Cross, and some glow of satisfaction flitted across His sorrow, as He saw from afar the result of the impending travail of His soul in the multitudes by whom God's heavenly house should yet be filled.

But he will not learn what Christ has been trying to teach him, that he needs no new commandment, but a deeper understanding and keeping of the old. Hence his question, half a wail of a hungry heart, half petulant impatience with Christ's reiteration of obvious duties.

It has suffered from the world in that it has been used with a certain bitter emphasis of resentment at the claim of superior purity supposed to be implied in it, and so has come to mean on the world's lips one who pretends to be better than other people and whose actions contradict his claim. But the name belongs to all Christ's followers.

The cross, the following, the denial of self, the Calvary path, cannot be excluded from the life of Christ's follower. Whilst true service must always be a spiritual thing, do not imagine it is something merely 'in the mind'. I have heard it talked about in the same way as a doctor talked to a poor lad who had his thumb crushed in a machine. 'Don't shout, my poor boy', he said.

For "smite in sunder, or wound the heads;" some word answering to the Latin conquassare. For "therefore," translate "then shall he lift up his head again;" that is, as a man languid and sinking from thirst and fatigue after refreshment. N.B. I see no poetic discrepancy between vv. 1 and 5. Ps. To be interpreted of Christ's Church. Ps. As the rivers in the south.

The one refuge from all these, as I believe, is to go to Him and learn of Him, and so take His yoke upon your shoulders. But, let me say further, it is better to obey Christ's commandments than to set ourselves against them. For if we will take His will for our law, and meekly assume the yoke of loyal and loving obedience to Him, the door into an earthly paradise is thrown open to us.

Trust to the promise as a kind of parachute to keep Thee from falling bruised on the stones of the Temple-court. Christ's answer was: 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. You will not get God's protection in ways of your own choosing. And so, brethren, 'all things work together for good to them that love, to them that trust, to them that keep close, to them that obey.

As the one, so the other. As certainly and literally the one, so certainly and literally the other. If Jonah's preservation and coming forth from the fish that God had prepared was only a legend, then was Christ's death, burial, and resurrection a legend. And in consistency with their critical theory some of the rationalists have reduced them both to legend. For as one was, so was the other to be.

Christ's blood and righteousness Shall be the marriage-dress, In which I'll stand At God's right hand Forgiven, And enter rest Among the blest In heaven. Help, Lord, that we may come To thy saints' happy home, Where a thousand years As one day appears, Nor go, Where one day appears As a thousand years For woe.

It was precious as a means to an end the entrance into the number of Christ's disciples; and as an expression of that inward self-surrender which is essential for discipleship. The real stress of the condition is in its second half, 'Follow me. He who enters the company of Christ's followers enters the kingdom, and has eternal life.