United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Had this attempt been successful, the great army, instead of being obliged to cross a rapid stream and attack an enemy posted behind morasses, would have been free to operate as it chose, to have advanced against the strongholds which had been captured by the Scots, and to force Bruce to give battle upon ground of their choosing.

The young farmer, in the mean while, finding himself closely pressed by those behind him, without any apparent disposition on their part to turn out and pass by him, now veered partly out of the road, to give the others, with the same change in their course to the opposite side, an opportunity, if they chose, of going by, as might easily have been done with safety to all concerned. "Mr.

Emily's was a grave-looking fellow, and we called him 'Gravey. Anne's was a queer little thing, much like herself, and we called him 'Waiting-Boy. Branwell chose his, and called him 'Buonaparte."

She said, without a smile, "Yes, it was astonishing how rude some people could be." And her godfathers and godmothers gave her the name of Rosalie. Mine might just as well have called me Hercules or Puck. She told me that her mother intended to ask me to dine with them one evening next week. When was I free? I chose Thursday.

"Yes," said Trirodov in reply to Elisaveta's question, "he came to see me last evening, quite late. I don't know why he chose such a late hour. He asked assistance. His demands were large. I will give him what I can. He's going away from here." All this was said in jerks, unwillingly.

At this crucial moment, King George III chose a new prime minister, Lord North, a gentleman of wit, ability, and affability, unfailingly humorous, and unswervingly faithful to the king. Among his first measures was the repeal of the hated Townshend duties.

He had another thought, too. "What time is it?" Barby consulted her watch. "Five before eight. Why?" "The barbershop doesn't open until nine. I think it might be useful to have someone call on the houseboaters and try to pump them a little. It might be interesting to hear why they chose to anchor in North Cove." Barby's eyes got round. "Would you do it?" Rick shook his head.

He chose the publisher and arranged the size of the volume, type, binding, initials, tail-pieces, every detail. The paper was to be thick and creamy, the type mediaeval, the borders were to be printed in carmine, the initials and tail-pieces specially drawn and engraved, and as quaint as the wood-cuts in an old edition of "Le Lutrin."

But of all these entertainments, I retain the most vivid recollection of that given by Chaptal, Minister of the Interior, the day which he chose being the fourteenth of June, the anniversary of the battle of Marengo.

It will be seen hereafter that there are weighty scientific reasons for giving to every science as much of the character of a Deductive Science as possible; for endeavoring to construct the science from the fewest and the simplest possible inductions, and to make these, by any combinations however complicated, suffice for proving even such truths, relating to complex cases, as could be proved, if we chose, by inductions from specific experience.