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Orion ordered that the execution of the sentence should be postponed; he did not go back into the house, however, but had his most spirited horse saddled and rode off alone into the desert. He had won, but he felt as though in this race he had rushed into a morass and must be choked in it.

When we halted before the National Gallery prior to parting I made some further inquiries regarding Armida, the black-eyed, good-looking housemaid whom he had married. "Ah, signore!" he responded in a voice choked with emotion, dropping into Italian. "It is the one great sorrow of my life.

It choked him until he could no longer breathe. Then he stopped for a moment to recover his breath, and went at the chain again. For half an hour he tugged and strained, choking and gagging until at last the ring in his collar pulled out and he was free from the chain. But he was not free as long as that sleeping demon by the fire still had strength to pursue and recapture him.

The snow looked like a vast sheet of silver stretching far away over the fields. Ann was hastening along the path between two high snowbanks when all of a sudden she stopped, and gave a choked kind of a scream. No one with nerves could have helped it. Right in the path before her stood the horse-thief, gray cloak and all. Ann turned, after her scream and first wild stare, and ran.

Breathlessly he followed the impetuous music like a child dragged along by a companion. His heart beat. Tears trickled down. He stammered: "Oh! My God!... Oh! My God!..." He began to sob and he laughed; he was happy. He choked. He was attacked by a terrible fit of coughing. Salome, the old servant, ran to him, and she thought the old man was going to die.

Oh if I if I. . ." Her voice failed her, choked with sobs. When she had somewhat recovered she implored Pulcheria and her mother to take her to see Paula, and as they shared her wish they prepared to start for the prison before it should grow dark. The nearer they went to the market-place, which they must cross, the more crowded were the streets.

He paused, breathless, expectant. She came to him. She linked her cold, trembling fingers round his neck. 'Robert, I have been waiting so long it was so late! I thought' and she choked down a sob-'perhaps something has happened to him, we are separated forever, and I shall never be able to tell him. Robert, Mr. Flaxman talked to me; he opened my eyes; I have been so cruel to you, so hard!

'I thout he was a thinken of the white cow as choked 'erself with the tunnup that was skipped in the chopping, said the boy, as he spoke of his master afterwards to the old groom. At last, however, a thought seemed to strike Belton. 'Do you get on Brag, he said to the boy, 'and ride off to Goldingham Corner, and tell Daniel to bring the horse home again. I shan't hunt today.

For a moment he stood very still, and Peter sensed the sudden thrill that was going through the man as he stood there in darkness. And then, suddenly, Jolly Roger bent over him. "Peter, there's three women we'll love as long as we live," he whispered. "There's my mother, and she is dead. There's Nada back there, and we'll never see her again " His voice choked for an instant.

I'll teach you to steal children!" Blind with rage and half choked with mud, Peace shook the water from her eyes and flew at her assailant with vengeance in her heart, pounding right and left with relentless fists wherever she could hit.