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'Twas thus laden that I enter'd the dingle, and came on the sad sight therein. I set down the ham as a thing to be asham'd of, and bar'd my head. The girl lifted her face, and turning, all white and tragical, saw me. "My father is dead, sir." I stoop'd and pil'd a heap of fresh snow over the blood stains. There was no intent in this but to hide the pity that chok'd me.

"A pretty habit," answered I, leading in Molly "if unseasonable. But why not have said so?" He seem'd to consider this for a while, and then said abruptly "Have some pasty and some good cider?" "Why yes," I said, "with all my heart, when I have stabled the sorrel here." He led the way across the court, well paved but chok'd with weeds, toward the stable.

He had a small paper parcel in his left hand, and was blowing at the charcoal with all his might. Holding my breath, I heard him clearly, but could see nothing of his face, for his back was toward us, all sable against the glow. The charcoal fumes as they rose chok'd me so, that I was very near a fit of coughing, when Billy laid one hand on my shoulder, and with the other pointed out to seaward.

The priest, thus doubly chok'd, their crests divide, And tow'ring o'er his head in triumphs ride. With both his hands he labours at the knots " Pliny mentions this statue as the admiration of the age in which he flourished.