United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As we neared Red River, nearly all the herds bore off to the eastward, but we held our course, crossing into the Chickasaw Nation at the regular Chisholm ford. A few beggarly Indians, renegades from the Kiowas and Comanches on the west, annoyed us for the first week, but were easily appeased with a lame or stray beef.

She nodded seriously. "Yes, I know. But you've got to do SOMETHING. And since your course was electrical engineering ! And the next job mayn't be half so easy, you know !" "Well, it'll be a little nearer Broadway, believe me. No, I'm sorry. I never knew two dandier people than you and your brother, and I like the work, but !" He drew a long breath on the last word, and Miss Chisholm sighed, too.

"Lord-sakes, sir," he exclaimed, shaking his head in a very grave way, "that be a h'ox-eye!" "Ox-eye!" Mr Chisholm repeated after him in a quizzing tone, with a grin on his face. "I've heard of ox-tongues before those tinned ones ain't bad eating sometimes for lunch on a pinch; but an ox-eye what is that, Draper?"

Chisholm," replied the doctor, not answering the question. "What was the result?" repeated Mr. Pitcairn for his wife. The doctor shook his head, and, with his eyes on the flaming face of Jim Travers, whispered, "All three died within twenty-four hours after being taken." Tom Gordon's eyes filled with tears. "O Doctor! is it as bad as that?" "I am sorry to say it is.

"Yes Miss Eschelle." "I don't know them. We used to hear of them in Naples, Venice, various places; they were in Europe some time; I believe. She was said to be very entertaining and enterprising." "Well, I suppose they have seen something of the world. The other lady was her mother. And the man with us that might interest you more, Mrs. Laflamme, was Mr. Lyon, who will be the Earl of Chisholm."

I wished to go where they were. Finally, there was real appeal in that a little unprotected lot of people were being trampled. I crossed in late September to Ostend as a member of the Hector Munro Ambulance Corps. With us were two women, Elsie Knocker, an English trained nurse, and Mairi Chisholm Gooden-Chisholm, a Scotch girl.

All this they answered by pointing to speeches delivered by some fiery adorer of "the lost cause," to the Ku-Klux outrages, to political murders, like that of Chisholm, to the building of monuments to the Confederate dead, or to some newspaper expression of reverence for Confederate nationality.

But as far as signs of occupancy were concerned, the country was unmarked by any evidence of civilization. The Chisholm Cattle Trail, which ran from Red River to the Kansas line, had almost fallen into disuse, owing to encroachments of settlements south of the former and westward on the latter.

That was plain foolishness and if I hadn't have run against that peach of a girl, Alice Chisholm, I'd have been a total loss to my boss, the man introducing household necessities and jeweled novelties. I am wasting money even now in retailing that room at Mrs. Denton's. A good detective wastes neither time nor money."

"You'll know yon Abel Crone, the marine-store dealer? Aye, well, he's been found drowned, not an hour ago, and by this and that, there's queer marks, that looks like violence, on him!" I gave such a jump on hearing this that Chisholm himself started, and he stared at me with a question in his eyes.