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"Speed it up, before that lead block gets you," someone called. The hole swung high, over the top, then down the side. Chips rained out of the hole, six, eight.... "Next pass," a voice called. The white light flooded the cage. The globe whirled; the hole slid over the top, down, down.... A chip fell, two more.... Retief half rose, clamped his jaw and crushed the grip. Sparks flew.

Others, with snowshoes as shovels, soon cleared away the snow drift from the fireplace. A skillful firemaker soon had the dry kindling and chips under the logs in ablaze, and now the wind only fanned the flames to a greater brightness. As the downfall of snow continues very heavy some tough poles are cut down and one end of them so fastened in the snow that they are firmly held.

"Well done, young chips! well done, old block!" whispered Paul, whose spirits no danger nor situation could entirely depress. "As pretty a volley, as one would wish to bear on the wrong end of a rifle! What d'ye say, trapper! here is likely to be a three-cornered war. Shall I give 'em as good as they send?" "Give them nothing but fair words," returned the other, hastily, "or you are both lost."

Johnny Behind the Deuce reported the state of affairs. The constable answered without turning his head. "Looks like we're up against it, kid," said he, "but we'll play it out 's long as we got chips left."

He had heard of Sandusky's hand. From the tips of the big fingers to the base of the palm, this right hand, spread over his chips, would cover half again the length of the hand of the average man. De Spain credited readily the extraordinary stories he had heard of Sandusky's dexterity with a revolver or a rifle.

The wealth that Moses procured for himself in fashioning the Torah, was a reward for having taken charge of the corpse of Joseph while all the people were appropriating to themselves the treasures of Egyptians. God now said: "Moses deserves the chips from the tables. Israel, who did not occupy themselves with labors of piety, carried off the best of Egypt at the time of their exodus.

In wet weather, the present tenant evidently did his chopping within doors, the floor was littered with chips and broken wood. As they came in, a yellow and white kitten, retreating to the darkest corner of the cabin, elevated his back and growled threateningly. "That's my partner, Musq'oosis," explained the boy. "He'll make friends directly.

So, the Devil said, 'I see what you are looking at, Chips. You had better strike the bargain. You know the terms.

Hack! hack! hack! Then muttered curses. And again the sound of chopping. When she could bear it no longer, she got up and stumbled over to her father. "Dad," she said, "if I break up the mantel and fix something, will you stop?" He sat back on his feet, puffing crossly. "Light a fire," he said. "Use these chips. Ah'll res'." He threw down the hatchet and crawled under the blankets.

Three men sat in at stud-poker, but they played with small chips and without enthusiasm, while there were no onlookers. On the floor of the dancing-room, which opened out at the rear, three couples were waltzing drearily to the strains of a violin and a piano. Circle City was not deserted, nor was money tight.