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It might not be a romantic marriage, but it could easily be an ideal one, as far as anything ideal still lay within the range of her possibilities. It could be ideal in the sense of a sincere affection both on his side and hers, and a common life for perhaps higher aims than she had lived with Chip. It would doubtless be the final stage to the process of making Chip understand.

Let's make them shun us." "Second the motion and hurrah!" added Nellie Saunders. "Also we should put a price on that ghost's head offer a reward for the capture. I'm willing to chip in, although as usual I'm a little short this week." Dozia had been going over the house with Miss Gifford and just then both returned to the recreation room.

His hat had been originally of the quality known as "chip," but the rim was gone, and what remained had an air of abandon about it. His clothing consisted of two garments, a striped, hickory shirt and trousers of blue drilling. The trousers were supported by suspenders, home-made, of the same material. Sometimes he wore but one. It saved trouble. He was barefooted.

The owner of the voice a mere chip of a child, in perfect miniature middy costume ran up to its father and was hoisted on his shoulder. "Yes, the sun is very red, like your own face, Sammy, my boy, to say nothing of cousin Robin's. Where is mamma?"

I can't seem to think it's a josh when some old mark makes a play like that fellow did, and tries to put a bullet into my carcass for riding the same trail he took. It's me for the Bad-lands and you can think what yuh damn' please about it." Chip stood quite still till he was through, and eyed him sharply.

"I'm only a chip of the ancient tree, father," retorted the boy, with a quiet laugh. How much further this little skirmish might have proceeded we cannot tell, for it was brought to an abrupt close by the sudden appearance of a black bear.

One of the younger officers stalks back and forth along the same path as myself, brusquely maintaining the road whenever we meet, evidently bent on showing off his contempt for the boasted prowess of the Fankwaes, by compelling me to step to one side. His demeanor is that of a bully stalking about with the traditional chip on his shoulder, daring me to come and knock it off.

But the boys, who were allowed to roam through the workshop at will, were wildly enthusiastic over the ingenious devices schemed out by father and son, for Tod was a chip off the old block. Now, Jerry did not go up to the front door, even though it was standing ajar. Instead he hurried to the little side porch and reached high up under the eaves, where an electric button was concealed.

Then he would choose a new spot a little farther down, and start a second gash, which was made to slant up toward the first. And when he thought that they were both deep enough he would set his teeth firmly in the wood between them, and pull and jerk and twist at it until he had wrenched out a chip a chip perhaps two inches long, and from an eighth to a quarter of an inch thick.

Every time you draw, you fill; but I don't seem to have any luck. Lets have a new deal." "How? Begin again?" "That's it." "Very well. Was he a good man, and " "There I see that; don't put up another chip till I look at my hand. A good man, says you? Pard, it ain't no name for it. He was the best man that ever pard, you would have doted on that man. He could lam any galoot of his inches in America.