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"De Chinks might o' been shadowin' us it wasn't safe to sleep," he admitted; "but I'll tear off a few dis mornin' after we find a feed of some kind." "What can we find to eat here?" she asked. "Dis crick is full o' fish," he explained, "an' ef youse got a pin I guess we kin rig up a scheme to hook a couple."

"I hope we run across you boys again some day, and please keep your lip buttoned about our being down here with an amphibian to knock some of these smugglers of Chinks and rum galley-west." "You can depend on us to keep mum, Jack," the red-headed ex-harbor tug engineer assured him.

But the valves are solely made and instituted lest the blood should pass from the greater into the lesser veins, and either rupture them or cause them to become varicose; lest, instead of advancing from the extreme to the central parts of the body, the blood should rather proceed along the veins from the centre to the extremities; but the delicate valves, while they readily open in the right direction, entirely prevent all such contrary motion, being so situated and arranged, that if anything escapes, or is less perfectly obstructed by the cornua of the one above, the fluid passing, as it were, by the chinks between the cornua, it is immediately received on the convexity of the one beneath, which is placed transversely with reference to the former, and so is effectually hindered from getting any farther.

"Look ye, senor," said Sancho, "there's no enchantment here, nor anything of the sort, for between the bars and chinks of the cage I have seen the paw of a real lion, and judging by that I reckon the lion such a paw could belong to must be bigger than a mountain." "Fear at any rate," replied Don Quixote, "will make him look bigger to thee than half the world.

These Chinks like Americans about as much as brook trout love the desert." "Perhaps I'd better go out an' see what's comin' off," suggested the little fellow. "You'll only get captured again," Jack suggested, provokingly. "I ain't got nothin' on you in getting tied up with ropes," Jimmie retorted. "You looked like one of these mummy things when the light was turned on."

"What's the matter, Pop?" some one asked the captain. "That sampan full of Chinks was trying to get away from the River Devil, so they shot across our bow to fool him and we nearly ran them down." "Do they often indulge in that little friendly game with the Devil?" I asked him, smiling at his seriousness. "Every time we enter one of these rivers they do it.

I'll never let wan o' their name come nighst to me agen." "Oh, Reuben," gasped Eve, "is it so? Can nothing be done?" Reuben shook his head. "Nothing now," said Joan "for want o' money, too, mostly, Eve; and the guineas I've a-wasted! Oh, how the sight o' every one rises and chinks in judgment 'gainst my ears!" "If we'd got the money," said Reuben soothingly, "there isn't time.

Again the fair head bent above the coarse sewing in the trembling hands. She had seen the light in the chinks of Gaston's shutter. She had felt his nearness, but rigid aloofness. The memory of these things had tortured her and left their trace in worn-out nerves and hurt pride. She felt that she hated Gaston and in revolt her thought now clung to Jude. She forgot her father. "Joyce!"

He was homesick for the gentle sister he had neglected, the rough brothers whose cheeks he had pelted black and blue; and yearned for the very chinks in the walls, the very thatch on the home-roof. Gladly would he have given every fairy-flower, at the root of which clung a lump of gold ore, if he might have had his own coverlet "happed" about him once more by the gentle hands he had despised.

All merely graceful attributes are usually the most evanescent; nor does nature adorn the human ruin with blossoms of new beauty, that have their roots and proper nutriment only in the chinks and crevices of decay, as she sows wall-flowers over the ruined fortress of Ticonderoga. Still, even in respect of grace and beauty, there were points well worth noting.