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He said, "The Japanese has a heart like a dog and a liver like a wolf." I quote again from the editorial in the Peking Leader: All day I have been on the streets of Peking listening to groups of students discussing the all absorbing-question of the Boycott. I have not understood the characters printed on their banners, but I have understood the light in Young China's eyes.

Surely on this eve of China's regeneration, we, the more favoured ones, must plead with all our might that all these unnatural customs shall be swept away with the last relics of our country's barbarism." The doctors were soon able to recommence work in Kiukiang, and with their fine new hospital they worked under far more favourable conditions than heretofore. A letter from Dr.

Finally the completion of China's foreign policy, i. e. the declaration of war against Germany and Austria, has at last been made on the 14th August, 1917, and a consistent course of action mapped out.

After twenty-two days' steaming from San Francisco Queen's Hospital time not counted we were directly south of China's Yellow Sea, and within a few hours of sighting the isle of Luzon. Only at Honolulu, all the way from San Francisco, was there a sail or a smoke not of a vessel of the Philippine expedition.

They first appeared as a separate clan or tribe in the ninth century, when they attracted special attention for their physical strength and courage during one of China's many wars with the children of the desert, and it was on that occasion they gained the appellation under which they became famous.

That is why Congress should support the agreement we negotiated to bring China into the WTO, by passing Permanent Normal Trade Relations as soon as possible this year. Our markets are already open to China. This agreement will open China's markets to us. And it will advance the cause of peace in Asia and promote the cause of change in China.

Then he invariably beats an ignominious retreat. And unless we are greatly mistaken, this is what will happen in this case. Whenever a crisis in China's foreign affairs occurs, we are treated in the Chinese press to humorous dissertations about Chinese dignity and self-respect. How such things can exist, even in the Chinese imagination, at the present moment, passes comprehension.

My father says that now America, which is the largest silk consumer of the world, buys only about a quarter of her raw silk from China." "So the evil-doer does not always prosper," laughed Pierre. "Evidently not. In contrast to China's actions see what Japan did.

Rosie started to run, and I tried to stop her and tell her some sort of a story to account for my being there. But she wouldn't wait." "And the broken china in the basket?" "Well, broken china's death to rubber tires," he said. "I hadn't any complaint against you people here, and the Dragon Fly was a good car." So Rosie's highwayman was explained.

At the end of October 1912 he was elected, against the opposition, as president of China, and the new state was recognized by foreign countries. China's internal difficulties reacted on the border states, in which the European powers were keenly interested. The powers considered that the time had come to begin the definitive partition of China.