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But her eyes on Kedzie were terrible. Jim did not notice the tension. He was too happy. He was sick of soldiering. His old uniform was like a convict's stripes. He was childishly ambitious to get into long trousers again. For nearly half a year he had buttoned his breeches at the knee and housed his calves in puttees and his feet in army brogans.

She had never called upon him for proof of his scholarship, and he was childishly eager to reveal to the woman he loved attainments of which he had no knowledge. "Write, 'Dear Mademoiselle'." He obeyed. "'have returned from London, and have confessed to Madame Meredith that I have forged her name and have drawn £100,000 from her bank " "Why do I write this, Jean?" he asked in surprise.

The tone was childishly plaintive, and French was instantly appeased. The joy of being with her alone returned upon him in a flood. "Well, then, rest a little. Why should you go back just yet? Isn't it jolly out here?" "Lovely," she said absently "but I promised Peter." "That'll be all right. We'll just go across and back."

The likeness was perfect, even to the minutest shading of her costume; and so forcibly and even childishly did this strike her, that it was with difficulty I could persuade her she was not gazing on some peculiar description of mirror that reflected back her living image.

And he had yellow buckskin trousers, laced in a Mexican fashion with silver at the sides; a narrow belt, a long, red silk handkerchief flying from behind his neck in cowboy fashion. So much flashing splendor, even in that gay assembly, would have been childishly conspicuous on another man. But in big Jack Landis there was patently a great deal of the unaffected child.

Duncan, would it save any time to have Paul take this right to the telegraph station " "Surely," Duncan interrupted in turn, "you're not going to rush off " "Oh, surely surely surely I am!" she answered, fretted by his tone. "Don't tease me, dear boy! I've quite enough to worry over! I I" she pushed her hair childishly off her face "I wish devoutly that your father was here.

When at last they drove into the "home" grounds, they found a very anxious superintendent and John waiting for them, fearing something had happened. As Drusilla took her leave, Grandma Perkins chuckled childishly. "I always said, Drusilla, that I didn't want to die and go to Heaven; but I've changed my mind. I'll go any time now, 'cause I like flyin' and am willin' to be an angel."

He remembered old legal jokes, and anecdotes of Circuit; and Richard laughed at them all, but more at him he was so genial, and childishly fresh, and innocently joyful at his own transformation, while a lurking doubt in the bottom of his eyes, now and then, that it might not last, and that he must go underground again, lent him a look of pathos and humour which tickled his youthful companion irresistibly, and made his heart warm to him.

From her hiding-place in the shadow of the porch she came slowly forward. "Can I talk with you a few moments, Mr. Brimbecomb?" she faltered. "I know that you can help me, if you will." Everett's heart began to beat furiously. Something in the appealing girl attacked him as nothing else had. How slim she looked, how lithe and graceful, and yet so childishly young!

He began to hate her constant and intimate possession of his motives and tastes, her inquiries as to what he ate for lunch, and whether he considered his flannels quite adequate. He childishly resented her little nagging economies and especially because he knew they were generally necessary. He chafed at the practical, sensible view he was argued resolutely into on every matter.