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"Remember Little Jim, back at the Hastings ranch?" "I should say so! It would be difficult to forget him." "Miss Dorry thinks a heap of that kid." "She seems to." "Now, I ain't drunk," Cheyenne declared solemnly. "I sure wish I was. You know Little Jim is my boy. Well, his ma is livin' over to Laramie. She writ to me to come back to her, onct. I reckon Sears got tired of her.

The game is closed for the night." As they stepped from the doorway a man stopped them and asked what had happened. "We're goin' for a doctor," said Cheyenne. "Somebody got hurt." Hastening along the shadowy wall of the building, they turned a corner and by a roundabout way reached the city marshal's office. The marshal, who had been summoned in haste, was at his desk.

"I reckon you will. I'm going to bed." Just as the sun rounded above the mesa next morning, Bartley stepped out to the veranda. He was surprised to find the Senator up and about, inspecting the details of Cheyenne's outfit, for Cheyenne had the horses saddled and packed. Bartley was still more surprised to find that Mrs. Brown had breakfast ready.

"Then you think I could have influenced him?" queried Bartley. "You might have tried, at least." "Well, he's gone. And I'll have to make the best of it and also find another heroine," said Bartley lightly, trying to make her smile. "I'll be the heroine of your story, upon one condition," Dorothy said, finally. "And that is " "If you will try and find Cheyenne and and just be a friend to him.

He had never been convicted, although he had been arrested and tried several times. It was also known that Senator Steve had openly vowed that he would rid the country of Sneed, sooner or later. Several times, during his journey south, Bartley was questioned, but never interfered with. Thus far he heard of Cheyenne occasionally, but, nearing Phoenix, he lost track of his erstwhile companion.

The effect is very wonderful in a variety of ways. In the South Cañon are the celebrated Seven Falls, which were immortalized by Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson, the well-known poetess, whose remains were interred on Cheyenne Mountain by her own request.

We proceeded up the river to the mouth of the Cheyenne and turned back to Omaha, having ample time on this steamboat to discuss and deliberate on the problems submitted to our charge.

They dropped down a long trail into another cañon which finally spread to a green valley dotted with ranches. The horses stepped briskly. Presently, rounding a bend, they saw a ranch-house, far below, and sharply defined squares of alfalfa. "That house with the red roof " said Bartley. "That's her," asserted Cheyenne, a trifle ambiguously. "Then we've swung round in a circle."

Two days before receipt of the news of the massacre, Colonel Stanton, who was with the Fifth Cavalry, had been sent to Red Cloud agency, and on the evening of the receipt of the news of the Custer fight a scout arrived in our camp with a message from the colonel informing General Merritt that eight hundred Cheyenne warriors had that day left Red Cloud agency to join Sitting Bull's hostile forces in the Big Horn country.

The day after witnessed the exit of my most respected mother-in-law and her amiable husband, for Cheyenne City; from which place we have recently heard from them as ornamenting the first Comanche and Blackfeet circles. Her reason for concealing the relationship was never developed. Indeed, I was too much overcome with joy ever to inquire.