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The present owner of Chambord in making good his title to the château testified that not a penny of its revenue has ever been applied to any other purposes than the restoration and upkeep of the domain. LE CHEVAL BLANC, ANGERS, September 12th. FATE certainly seemed to be against my seeing Chinon to-day, as we awoke this morning to hear the rain pattering against our windows.

"There, what do you think of yourself now?" asked the Captain, wheeling him round in front of a cheval glass so that he could see his reflection in the mirror. "Eh, you rascal?" Dick did not say anything; but, the look, of mingled wonder, self- satisfaction and gratitude, that overspread his speaking face more than rewarded the good-hearted sailor for his thoughtful generosity.

Monsieur, said he, c'est un cheval le plus opiniatre du monde. Nay, if he is a conceited beast, he must go his own way, replied I. So La Fleur got off him, and giving him a good sound lash, the bidet took me at my word, and away he scampered back to Montreuil. -Peste! said La Fleur.

Renard had driven briskly up to a low, rambling facade parallel with the quays. It was the "Cheval Blanc." A crowd assembled on the instant, as if appearing according to command. "Allons n'encombrez pas ces dames!" cried a very smart individual, in striking contrast to the down at-heel air of the hotel a personage who took high-handed possession of us and our traps.

It said: Having assumed the task of acting as your memory, I take the liberty of reminding you that on this the 28th day of April you have to appear at the Law Courts, as juryman, and, in consequence, can on no account accompany us and Kolosoff to the picture gallery, as, with your habitual flightiness, you promised yesterday; a moins que vous ne soyez dispose a payer la cour d'assise les 300 roubles d'amende que vous vous refusez pour votre cheval, for not appearing in time.

That afternoon a municipal officer attended by gendarmes a cheval, and followed by a crowd of people, arrived at the Temple, and, after a flourish of trumpets, proclaimed the establishment of the French Republic. The man, says Clery, "had the voice of a Stentor." The royal family could distinctly hear the announcement of the King's deposition.

Hors de Damas et près des murs on me montra le lieu saint Paul, dans une vision, fut renversé de cheval et aveuglé. Il se fit aussitôt conduire

Monsieur Cheval, really a noted aviator, had chummed much with the American contingent and had been in the States once, though only for a short time. But he had learned "ze language" after a fashion. When Blaine briefly explained what he wanted and what the squadron commander had said, Cheval lay back with a deep sigh, saying: "Merci, comrade!" Here he chuckled. "I like to go: I want to go!

He was one of the class known in England as "Commys," and so obnoxious in France as commis-voyageurs. He stopped at the Cheval Blanc, and in conversation with mine host inquired if it might chance that some café-keeper in the town desired to sell his café and marry his daughter.

He was habited in the undress uniform of a chasseur á cheval, but wore no arms; indeed his occupation at the moment was anything but a warlike one, he being leisurely employed in collecting some flasks of champagne which apparently had been left to cool within the stream. "Eh bien, Alphonse!" said a voice in the direction of the fire, "what are you delaying for?"