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"You'd never survive the two, should you?" "Well, you know, Jan, it's a good mile and a half to Pidcock's, and I had to go to the other place without my tea," remonstrated Master Cheese. "I dare say Miss Deb has given you your tea since you came home." "But it's not like having it at the usual hour. And I couldn't finish it in comfort, when this message came."

The travelling musicians who, to save a few pennies, had begun to eat bread, cheese, and radishes, instead of the warm meals provided for the others, let their knives drop and set down the wine-jugs. The traders, who were hotly arguing over Italian politics and the future war with Turkey, were silent.

"Except to give up your house, and your servants, and turn yourself into nurse, and seamstress, and tailor, and dressmaker, rolled into one; and live in an uproar all day long, and be a perfect angel of sympathy every night that's all! and try to do it on bread and cheese into the bargain! There must be something inherently mean in women, to skimp themselves as they do.

It shocks one's sense of the Beautiful." Crowl ate his bread and cheese shamefacedly. "But what was the use of breaking your head to save him?" said Mrs. Crowl, with an unconscious pun. "He must be caught." "Ah, I don't see how the Useful does come in, now," said Peter, thoughtfully. "But I didn't think of that at the time."

In some places they were reduced to such shifts, that the wretched inhabitants grinded the bark of trees, and made this substance into cakes with milk and butter, as a substitute for bread. Besides this they had milk, butter, and cheese given them, and whey for drink. Sometimes they met with better inns, where they could procure meat and beer.

Three of these dishes were occupied one with clean, fresh butter, another with rich old cheese, and the third with a quantity of cold venison steak.

During the turn which they took around the city for an advertisement, he indoctrinated his pupil with the principles of his art. "People to-day are just what they were centuries ago. G-g-gull 'em just as easy. Make 'em think the moon is made of g-g-green cheese way to catch larks is to p-p-pull the heavens down extract sunbeams from c-c-cucumbers and all the rest!

They were turning out at the door, the clergyman and Jan, when the girl flew to them in a fresh attack of terror. "I daren't be left alone," she gasped. "Oh, stop a minute! Pray stop, till I be gone upstairs." "Here," said Jan, making light of it. "I'll marshal you up." He held the candle, and the girl flew up the stairs as fast as young Cheese had flown from the ghost.

It was easy to play the rôle of a simple and honest peasant, and while he drank good beer and ate good cheese and sausage, he and Lieutenant Schmidt became quite friendly. Schmidt asked him many questions. He wanted to know if he had been near the French lines, and John laughingly replied that he had been altogether too near.

It had to go into his pocket with the cheese. Now he took to the road boldly, and as he was light and nimble, he felt no fatigue. The road led him up a mountain, and when he had reached the highest point of it, there sat a powerful giant looking about him quite comfortably.