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Who will come now and put it on?" "I will!" shouted a strong voice from among the audience, and up rose the powerful man who began the evening with "bah!" and "pooh!" He soon made his way to the platform amid uproarious cheering, and donned the blue. "Hetty," whispered Mrs Frog in a low, timid voice, "I think I would like to put it on too."

When they saw that the victory was with us, and that the Governor himself was our prisoner, together with many of the chief of his officers, those of the soldiers who had not been for me when they came were glad enough now to secure themselves by shouting my name and obeying my orders, and when I moved away towards the seat, they followed me, laughing and cheering, well pleased to see their hated masters prisoners in their midst.

The earth itself has slept, as it were its first, not its last sleep, save when some street-sign or wood-house door has faintly creaked upon its hinge, cheering forlorn nature at her midnight work, the only sound awake twixt Venus and Mars, advertising us of a remote inward warmth, a divine cheer and fellowship, where gods are met together, but where it is very bleak for men to stand.

"Mount!" was now heard from squadron to squadron; while dashing along the line like a thunderbolt, Murat rode far in advance of his staff, the men cheering him as he went. "There!" cried D'Auvergne, as he pointed with his finger, "that column with the yellow shoulder-knots, that's Vandamme's brigade of light infantry; see how they rush on, eager to be first up with the enemy. But St.

The chaps all went off on their 'bus cheering and Hooray, Hodson! what a day!" "Yes; but I say," said the lad, "Burr major's lost his watch." "His watch!" cried Mercer, giving quite a jump. "Oh!" "Yes; he left it in his waistcoat in the tent when he stripped for his innings, and when he felt for it some time after, it was gone." "Then he didn't miss it directly?" I said.

A ringing of bells, signaling brakesmen, a rolling of steel wheels and the two young midshipmen swung aboard the train, to wave their hats from the platform. Gridley was gone lost to sight for another year. Dan was exuberant during the first hour of the journey, Dave unusually silent. "You need a vast amount of cheering up, David, little giant!" exclaimed Dalzell.

The woods had grown up about it, and hid it almost entirely from sight, which was an advantage, perhaps, to the landscape, but not to those who were condemned to dwell in the house, which was without light and air and everything that was cheering.

The left half walked back; there were cries, entreaties, commands; the cheering died away and gave place to the intense silence of suspense; Pemberton could hear the little Princeton quarter back's signals quite plainly.

'Hows'ever, be that as it may, we can answer for it as any views he may hold is the right views, and the honest views, and the views of a man as means to do a good deal more than talk about his convictions! Again did the stentor-note of Daniel ring forth, and it was amid thunderous cheering that Richard left his chair and moved to the front of the platform.

At three in the morning, with a clatter of chains and a good deal of shouting, they moored in Port Said harbour. Again there was a day full of interest bartering with natives, watching the coolies coaling, cheering Australian transports as they entered the basin, and examining the mixture of shipping in the port.