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His dying upon the cursed tree, that was the worst, the sorest, the hardest, and most difficult part of the work of redemption; and yet this he did willingly, cheerfully, and without thy desires; yea, this he did, as considering those for whom he did it in a state of rebellion and enmity to him.

I had observed at a previous interview his peculiar gift for laying bare his soul by this means of mode of expression. A man of silent habit, judged by the more conventional standard of words, he was almost an orator in expectoration. 'Mr MacGinnis agrees with me, said Sam cheerfully. 'Do we take them down? Have we your permission to assume Position Two of these Swedish exercises?

The secret had been guessed, was known; and as they held each other with their eyes as though the world were well lost in this discovery, their lips met in one kiss, and for a minute Vivie's arms were round Michael's neck, for just one unforgettable moment, a moment she felt she would cheerfully have died to have lived through.

Under the excitement which first prevailed, and the necessity of being prepared in case of a night attack from the roving bands of rebellious soldiery who from all directions were making for the imperial city, plundering and ravaging on the route, this duty was cheerfully undertaken.

'They work with such extraordinary steadiness, stepping out briskly and cheerfully, following in each other's tracks. The great drawback is the ease with which they sink in soft snow: they go through in lots of places where the men scarcely make an impression they struggle pluckily when they sink, but it is trying to watch them.

"Now," said he cheerfully, "we'll have a game of golf." That was amusing, but not astonishing. Most of us have at one time or another laid out a scratch hole or so somewhere in the vacant lot. We returned to the house, Horne produced a sufficiency of clubs, and we sallied forth. Then came the surprise of our life!

Look at men. Still, walking will do, if one takes proper walks. I hope Flora Timson takes you good long walks." "Indeed she does!" cried Milly. "Immense! She walks a dreadful pace, and we get over stiles and things." "Immense is a little vague. How far do you go on an average?" Mildred's notions of distance were vague. "Quite two miles, I'm sure," she responded, cheerfully.

Without giving herself time to think, or to observe the looks of those in the room, she went straight up to Phyllis and said cheerfully: "Phyllis, I am sorry I gave you offence. I hope you will forget it and be friends with me"; and then she took her seat at the table as if nothing had happened.

He set off to the station, and after a hurried consultation with Glover, returned anxiously to the arch. Gething, standing in the shadow with his hands in his pockets, was patiently waiting. "It's all right," said Tillotson cheerfully; "and now for a sea voyage. You know the way to the schooner, I suppose."

And Mary Shakespeare said never a word, but did her husband's bidding cheerfully, even gayly. She had set herself to go his way with faith in his power to wrest success out of venture, and she was not one to take back her word. The week following, John Shakespeare carried his little son to see the players. "And was it not as I said?" Mother asked, when the two returned.