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The subjects do not follow such a king. Brahmanas and all pious persons also act in the same way. As a consequence the king incurs great danger, and ultimately the risk of destruction itself. Overtaken by infamy and insult, he has to drag on a miserable existence. A life of infamy, however, is equal to death. Men learned in the scriptures have indicated the following means for checking sin.

There can be no doubt that this war will be waged with England, for, although we cannot contemplate attacking England, as such an attack would be hopeless, that country itself has a lively interest in checking our political power. It will therefore, under certain conditions, attack us, in order to annihilate our fleet and aid France.

The man behind the high-backed desk paused in his task of checking a list of typewritten names, and motioned Durkin to a seat. The visitor could see that he was with an official who would countenance no profligate waste of time. So he plunged straight into the heart of his subject. "This office is at present carrying on a campaign against Richard Penfield, the poolroom operator and gambler."

The oranges and lemons did, however, for a time have a marked effect in checking the progress of the scurvy especially among the children, who came in for a larger share than that which fell to the sick soldiers but in another month the condition of those in hospital, and indeed of many who still managed to do duty, was again pitiable.

Then, immediately checking himself, he added, in a gentler tone: "It is imprudent in you to be out so long in the evening air; and I am really very tired, dear Lily. To-morrow I will try to ascertain which of the servants has been following you round in this strange way." "Do you suppose any servant could sing that?" she exclaimed.

Coleman, checking with difficulty the battling disposition of his horse, was very uneasy in his mind because the last words of the captain of the battery had made him feel that perhaps on this ride he would be placed in a position where only the best courage would count, and he did not see his way clear to feeling very confident about his conduct in such a case.

Having finished my business and seen these precious things warehoused, I handed over the checking of a list of them to another and turned to seek my horse.

"The true way of arriving at the conquest of the Spanish Low Countries is to abase the Hollanders and annihilate them if it be possible," said Louvois to the Prince of Conde on the 1st of November, 1671; and the king wrote in an unpublished memorandum, "In the midst of all my successes during my campaign of 1667, neither England nor the empire, convinced as they were of the justice of my cause, whatever interest they may have had in checking the rapidity of my conquests, offered any opposition.

Checking the rejoinder that rose to her lips, Aveline cast her eyes, for the first time, on the speaker; and then, to her great surprise, perceived it to be her village acquaintance, Gillian Greenford. A significant glance from the blue eyes of the pretty damsel impressed her with the necessity of caution, and seemed to intimate that Gillian herself was likewise in the plot.

In the effort to avoid this, Max, checking himself, staggered and slipped, falling on the brick floor, pail and all. "Oh, I am sorry! So sorry!" Again the oddly expressive face had changed completely. Her scarlet lips those vividly red lips which go with an opaque white skin were instantly parted with genuine terror. Her eyes looked soft and shining, full of tender feminine kindness and sympathy.