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If you come to deal with a tradesman or handicraft man, and talk his own language to him, he presently supposes you understand his business; that you know what you come about; that you have judgment in his goods, or in his art, and cannot easily be imposed upon; accordingly, he treats you like a man that is not to be cheated, comes close to the point, and does not crowd you with words and rattling talk to set out his wares, and to cover their defects; he finds you know where to look or feel for the defect of things, and how to judge their worth.

"Gentlemen," said he, "if you have designs of trading, you must go another way; but if you're of the admir'd sort of men, that have the thriving qualifications of lying and cheating, you're in the direct path to business; for in this city no learning flourisheth, eloquence has not a room here; temperance, good manners, nor any virtue can meet a reward; assure your selves of finding but two sorts of men, and they are the cheated, and those that cheat.

'Oh, Strong, he said to me, 'it's not for myself I feel now: it's for my boy it's for the best woman in England, whom I have treated basely I know I have. He didn't intend to bet upon this race, ma'am indeed he didn't. He was cheated into it: all the ring was taken in. He thought he might make the bet quite safely, without the least risk. And it will be a lesson to him for all his life long.

Watching her as she bantered with Major Barrett it grew upon Katie as one of the grotesque things of the world that Zelda should be within and Ann without. Major Barrett had remained. It was Ann who had gone. Yet it was Ann had dreamed the dream. He who had made the "excursion" despoiling the dream. It was Ann had been "called." He who had preyed upon cheated that call.

I suppose it was the pretty talk about rivers and suns that cheated him eh? Anyhow, he believed in his own country. Inn his own country. So you see he was a little startled when he found himself handed over to the Transvaal as a prisoner of war. That's what it came to, Tommy a prisoner of war. You know what that is eh? England was too honourable and too gentlemanly to take trouble.

Had I any views unworthy of my faithful love for you, I should not have been so honest in my declarations. Then he began again to vow the sincerity of his intentions But I took him up short: I am willing to believe you, Sir. Cheated hither, as far as I know, Madam! And can there be a necessity for me to answer this? You are absolutely your own mistress it was very strange, if you were not.

Ruff! Do you know what that means?" "You cheated!" Peter Ruff said, in an undertone. "Quite true," Sir Richard admitted. "I cheated! There was a scandal, and I disappeared. I had the money, and though my checks for the eighteen thousand francs were met, there was a considerable balance in my pocket when I escaped out of France.

It was vacation time, and what else should boys do but see all that was to be seen? And of course it was the duty of the elders to see that the children came to no harm. So the fathers were strolling leisurely down, saying to each other that 'twas all nonsense, most likely, and nothing worth seeing, but some one ought to be looking out that the boys and the women folks didn't get cheated.

When any one spoke in his presence of Saint Francois de Sales, he used to say, "I was delighted when I saw M. de Sales become a saint; he used to delight in talking indecently, and always cheated at play; but in every other respect he was one of the best gentlemen in the world, and perhaps one of the most foolish."

I shall offer them education, that they may be able to compete on equal terms with the white men when this land ceases to lie beyond the outposts. I shall show them that they are being robbed and cheated and forced into ignominious serfdom.