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I acknowledged his polite compliment with a reverence. "I have," he said, "some very excellent muscatel wine 'grown in the East, which I could sell you cheap." "I might buy some, but I warn you I am a good judge." "So much the better. Which do you prefer?" "The Cerigo wine." "You are right. I have some rare Cerigo muscatel, and we can taste it if you have no objection to dine with me."

Nor was this all: brown, soberly-dressed old men and women in satin-padded carretas, heavy ox-carts on wheels made from solid sections of trees, and driven by a gañan seated on one of the animals; the populace in cheap finery, some on foot, others astride old mules or broken-winded horses, two or three on one lame old hack; all chattering, shouting, eager, interested, impatiently awaiting the bride and a week of pleasure.

Customers must be delicately angled for at a safe distance show yourself too much, and, like trout, they flashed away. See everything, force nothing. Let a book be turned over for nineteen days, the chances were that on the twentieth you would turn over the price. As to expecting the class of cheap customers to commit themselves by walking into a shop, it was simple madness.

This conclusion was forced upon him by the discovery of several specimens of the following nature: He observed that certain inscriptions were met with in greater frequency than others. Such as "FOR SALE CHEAP"; "BILLIARDS"; "S. T. 1860 X"; "KENO"; "ALE ON DRAUGHT." Naturally, then, these must be religious maxims.

For our plan was to make for ourselves for two or three years a home and way of living sufficiently cheap to admit of combining with it large plans of summer travel. And eventually Florence was fixed on. As for my mother, it turned out that she was then selecting her last and final home though the end was not, thank God, for many a long year yet.

They will hear you," she whispered, drawing away from him in confusion. They held back until the throng had moved on a short distance. Then she turned upon him with a dangerous light in her eyes. "And what's more," she said in a low voice, "I don't like to hear you say such things. They sound so cheap and low and vulgar, Barry.

And he meditated: Culture! Could culture ever make headway among the blind partisanships, the hand-to-mouth mentality, the cheap excitements of this town life? The faces of these youths, the tone of their voices, the very look of their bowler hats, said: No! You could not culturalize the impermeable texture of their vulgarity.

We are told by men of science that all the ventures of mariners on the sea, all that counter-marching of tribes and races that confounds old history with its dust and rumour, sprang from nothing more abstruse than the laws of supply and demand, and a certain natural instinct for cheap rations. To any one thinking deeply, this will seem a dull and pitiful explanation.

Brit answered her noncommittally, apparently sunk already in his own musings. But his lips drew in to suppress a smile when he saw, from the corner of his eyes, that Lorraine was winding the alarm on the cheap kitchen clock, and that she set the hand carefully and took the clock with her to bed. Oppression is a growth that flourishes best in the soil of opportunity.

You call them Goods: but if you do not take care, they will prove Evils to some of you! You expect they will be sold cheap, and perhaps they may, for less than they cost; but if you have no occasion for them, they must be dear to you! Remember what Poor RICHARD says! Buy what thou hast no need of, and, ere long, thou shalt sell thy necessaries! And again, At a great pennyworth, pause a while!