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"Now," whispered the airman, with a nod to the chauffeur. The little bell-mistress entered the car, her wooden gloves tucked under one arm. The airman followed with his packet and his sack of bombs. The chauffeur started his engine. The middle of the road was free to him; the edges were occupied by the retreating infantry.

Some of them wore a charming and becoming head-dress, such as I never saw before, and the chauffeur said it was the head-dress of the women of Arles, where we would go day after to-morrow. Impertinent chauffeurs or couriers would have been more out of place in poetic St.

And tell the chauffeur to drive cautiously!" Their destination was to the eastward of the little town, where the gardens of the villas trail their willow-fringes in the water. Among them, a varnished yellow chalet lifted its tiers of glassed-in galleries among the heavy green of fir-trees; its door, close beside the road, was guarded by a gate of iron bars.

Pickwick ever ate." "I must get Edwards to take me there," said Titania. "Edwards is our chauffeur. I've been to the Ansonia for tea, that's near there." "Better keep away," said Helen. "When Roger comes home from those places he smells so strong of onions it brings tears to my eyes."

But before his suspicions could take form, the chauffeur had turned again. The girl handed the papers back to Orme. "These are the right papers," she said. "Oh, my dear, if you only knew how much they mean." He held them for a moment in his hand.

So I made friends with a dear old waiter chap, and said I wanted something nice for my sister." "You didn't!" I exclaimed. "I did. Do you mind much? I understood it was agreed that was our relationship." "No, I don't mind much," I returned. "Thank you for everything." I shook back a cloud of hair, and glanced up at the chauffeur. Our eyes met, and as I took the tray my fingers touched his.

I am perfectly satisfied that you will never be at rest until you learn the antecedents of my cook, my valet, my secretary " T. X. held up his hand with a laugh. "Spare me," he said. "It is one of my failings, I admit, but I have never gone much farther into your domestic affairs than to pry into the antecedents of your very interesting chauffeur."

Then, without even entering, she rushed back to her car again, urging her chauffeur, at the risk of every speed regulation, homeward. That was the beginning of purgatorial weeks that were soon to tell on Hester. They actually brought out a streak of gray through her hair, which Lottie promptly dyed and worked under into the lower part of her coiffure. For herself, Hester would have let it remain.

When, on the other hand, the motor is open, the internal force moves the car and the chauffeur only has to guide it that it may go safely along the street, not run into obstacles or rush into ditches, and not injure any one upon its course. This guidance is the only thing necessary; but the real progression is due solely to the internal impulse, which no one can create.

It was a dark and silent street by night, little used, a mere link between two main thoroughfares. Sofia, running for dear life, was still far from the nearest corner. Karslake doubled nimbly across the street to the only vehicle in sight, an impressive Rolls-Royce town-car. Jumping on the running-board he pointed out the fleeing shadow to the chauffeur.