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He was just beginning to hope that Unc' Billy wasn't there, as he had said he would be, when a voice right over his head said: "Ah cert'nly am glad to see that yo' are as good as your word, Brer Fox, fo' we need some one brave like yo' to find out what this strange creature is that has been chasing we-uns." Reddy looked up with a sickly grin.

Ferrall nodded: "I came in to say something a message from Grace confound it! what was it? Oh could you before dinner now just sit down and with that infernal facility of yours make a sketch of a man chasing a gun-shy dog?" "Why yes if Mrs. Ferrall wishes "

While the frigates swept the Channel, spreading themselves to command a very extensive range of view, it was difficult for an enemy to elude their vigilance. Chasing in different directions, to take advantage of every change of wind, and to circumvent him in every manoeuvre, it was impossible for him, once seen, to escape their pursuit.

We stared at them through our thick glass windows: they swam backward with tremendous speed, moving by means of their locomotive tubes, chasing fish and mollusks, eating the little ones, eaten by the big ones, and tossing in indescribable confusion the ten feet that nature has rooted in their heads like a hairpiece of pneumatic snakes.

"The Battle, after this, lay quiet all afternoon; Ferdinand still in sight; motioning much, to tempt French valor into chasing of him. But all in vain: Broglio, though his subalterns kept urging, remonstrating, was peremptory not to stir.

"He's up to that trick every time. We're not chasing Spanish fleets alone. The captain knows his business all right, all right." Word was brought from the upper deck presently, that we were in pursuit of a strange steamer which had been discovered lurking on the horizon. She failed to respond to our signals, and chase was made forthwith.

There were two large frigates cruising backwards and forwards off Brest, and a brig-of-war came within shot, as they were doubling Penmarch Point. "There is plenty of water for her, here," the skipper said. "However, she will hardly catch us, before we are under shelter of the batteries of Quimper." "I should have thought that she would hardly think you worth the trouble of chasing."

"We came on as fast as we could. The Sioux are raiding again. By God, you had a narrow squeak, sir," he reproved. "You were crazy to try it you and a woman, alone. We'll take you along as soon as my Pawnees get in from chasing those beggars." Distant whoops from a pursuit drifted in to us, out of the desert. "Captain Adams sent you?" I inquired. "Yes, sir." "I will go back," I agreed.

"I sent no courier," said Morgan. "It was Forbes who wanted to charge 'em," said Dan. Again the Colonel chuckled. "The Yankees ran when you did," he said, and limped, chuckling, away. But it was great fun, those moonlit nights, burning bridges and chasing Home Guards who would flee fifteen or twenty miles sometimes to "rally."

"You ought to retire from business and try fishing," his son suggested. The Honourable Hilary sometimes smiled. "You've got a good brain, Austen, and what's the use of wasting it chasing cattle and practising with a pistol on your fellow-beings? You won't have much trouble in getting admitted to the bar. Come into the office." Austen did not answer at once.