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Her charmingly brilliant little face was not only peaked, but in repose was generally wistful or plaintive. Many a time one could have looked on it without suspecting the existence of dimples. Only in the evening did she resemble her real self. At other times she was a pale shadow, the little ghost of the girl she had been or should be. Miss Pritchard sighed deeply.

"And you are great friends, you three?" she said as they settled themselves for the prolonged absence of the two men. Sylvia smiled; she smiled, Aunt Barbara noticed, almost entirely with her eyes, using her mouth only when it came to laughing; but her eyes smiled quite charmingly. "That's always rather a rash thing to pronounce on," she said.

Fairfax Collingwood'!" "Mrs. Collingwood!" cried Cynthia. "And we thought she wasn't married! "Well, she was, and we've made several mistakes beside that, Cynthia Sprague, as you'll find out later! It seems that Great-aunt Lucia took quite a fancy to young Mrs. Collingwood. She was so sweet and gracious and charmingly pretty.

The young lawyer was, indeed, unwittingly preparing for his mission to paint Scottish scenery so vividly, and Scottish character so charmingly, that he may almost be said to have created a new country which succeeding generations delight to visit.

It may be said of a tree as of a man, 'It was not sung at the tree's cradle that things should turn out thus. This one began its life so charmingly; and what has now become of it? Forsaken and forgotten a garden tree standing in a common field, close to a public road, and bending over a miserable ditch! There it stood now, unsheltered, ill-used, and disfigured!

Barlow, Lovell's mother, presented a charmingly antique appearance antique not in the sense of advanced years, but the young antique the gay, the lively, the never-fading antique. She had even a girlish way of simpering and uttering absurdly rapturous exclamations.

"Well, don't let me have to complain now," he said coolly. She surveyed him in silent scorn for a moment, and her full, crimson lips curled contemptuously. "What a brute you are!" she muttered suddenly between her set pearly teeth. "Thanks, awfully!" he answered, taking out a cigarette and lighting it leisurely. "You are really charmingly candid, Clara!

The vicinity can boast a few colonial temples the quaint old Dutch church at Tarrytown, dear to the readers of Irving; the Tennent Church on the battle-ground of Monmouth, New Jersey, with its blood-stains of wounded British soldiers; and a charmingly plain little Friends' meeting-house, no bigger than a small parlor, near Squan, New Jersey, being the most strikingly attractive.

Haswell sat before the cheval glass of her dressing-table. Her dark hair, loosened now from its coils, cascaded abundantly over her white shoulders. She was thinking, and the charmingly chiseled lips and brow here in the privacy of her own room wore a rather calculating and somewhat satisfied smile. No note of contrition or self-accusation marred their serenity.

At luncheon all met again, and there was much merry-making over the tansy cakes very foolish, no doubt, but to me at least very delightful, and perhaps a wise practice, at times, even for the most prosaic. In the afternoon the Colonel took me for a drive to a charmingly picturesque village in the Chilterns, whence we did not set out on our way back till it was twilight.