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The last meet of the season was, as always, at Folkington Green, close enough to Lewes to draw the townsfolk out on bicycles and in char-

"I never can get the various kinds of trout clear in my mind." "If you can keep them clear when you have them hooked," said the other, with a jolly laugh, "that's much more important. But a Dolly Varden isn't a trout at all, it's really a char. It's a beautiful fish, too, and you find it in cold, clear streams, such as the upper waters of the Sacramento and Alaskan rivers.

Char. Your Virtue, Sir, will render you as happy but I must haste this Night prepare your Daughter and your Niece, and let your House be dress'd, perfum'd, and clean. Doct. It shall be all perform'd, Sir. Char. Be modest, Sir, and humble in your Elevation; for nothing shews the Wit so poor, as Wonder, nor Birth so mean, as Pride. Doct.

At half-past six we reached Cairo, and were conveyed in a large char-

But I shou'd wonder at it, since all your last Night's Actions betray'd a strange depravity of Sense. Sir, I have sought you long, and wish I had not found you yet, since both the Place and Company declare, how grossly you've dissembled Virtue all this while. Bel. Take hence that prating Boy. Char.

Many people hold that grayling injure a trout stream by devouring trout-ova and trout-food, by increasing too rapidly and in other ways. Beyond, however, proving the self-evident fact that a stream can only support a given amount of fish-life, the grayling's opponents do not seem to have made out a very good case, for no real evidence of its injuring trout has been adduced. Char.

Later Char went off in the car again, though it poured with rain, and was gone until late at night. Between twelve and one o'clock Knight, strolling toward the garage, heard the automobile return, and stopped in the blaze of the acetylene for the motor to slow down. "Is it all right?" he inquired. "It's all right," Char answered, somewhat sullenly, yet with a certain reluctant respect.

"After the first compliments and salutations, the queen proposed to the ladies to take a look at her park. They seated themselves on the cushions of the queen's large char

It fits into the field kitchen and is used for roasts, stews, char, or anything else. The cover serves to cook bacon in. Field kitchens are drawn by horses and follow the battalion everywhere that it is safe to go, and to some places where it isn't.

When the horses were in the stable, there was a double line of rustic conveyances along the road; carts, cabriolets, tilburies, char a bancs, traps of every shape and age, resting on their shafts, or else with them in the air. The carpenter's house was as busy as a beehive.