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"It will be my duty to rectify this error in other quarters, and in the meantime I beg you to make what use you may think fit of this letter. Yours truly, On the next day Gordon and Macartney met at breakfast at the yamen of the Futai Li Hung Chang, and Gordon at once came up to Macartney and said: "Do not let us talk of the past, but of the future.

Any of its lower branches is capable of sustaining Fang's weight, should a reliable rope connect the two." "There is something about that which this person now learns is a willow that distinguishes it above all the other trees of the design," remarked Wei Chang admiringly. "It has a wild and yet a romantic aspect."

As their crimes are obvious and the subject of abundant proof, we hereby ask the President to carry out at once the terms of the said mandate and publicly execute Yang Tu, Sun Yu-yun, Yen Fu, Liu Shih-pei, Li Hsieh-ho, Hu Ying, Chu Chi-chien, Tuan Chih-kuei, Chow Tzu-chi, Liang Shih-yi, Chang Cheng-fang and Yuan Nai-kuan to the end that the whole nation may be pacified.

"Agreed," said Ching; "but let us try it soon: Suppose we say to-morrow afternoon." "Nay, not so soon," said Chang: "I'm bound to go, To-morrow, a day's ride from Ho-hang-ho, And sha'n't be ready till the following day: At ten A.M. on Thursday let us say." So 'twas arranged.

To his surprise, crowds of imperialists were standing about, talking eagerly and excitedly, and it was clear to both Englishmen that some sort of a disturbance had taken place. Turning a corner they suddenly met General Ching, who grew so pale and looked so uncomfortable that Gordon's suspicions were aroused, and he at once inquired if the Wangs had seen Li Hung Chang, and what had taken place.

By the 9th July the position was this: the Republican forces had surrounded Peking: Chang Hsun had resigned every appointment save the command of his own troops: the Manchu Court party had drafted a fresh Edict of Renunciation, but being terrorized by the pigtailed troops surrounding the Palace did not dare to issue it.

She told Little Yi that she should miss her, and said a few kind words to Nelly. Just before sunset the party started. An Ching and the children were inside the cart, with Hung Li as driver, sitting on the shafts. Hung Li had forgotten to pull down the curtain in front of the cart, and just as they turned out of the compound into the street they came face to face with Chang.

Had the matter been more ingeniously arranged, he would undoubtedly have enjoyed an earlier triumph and an affluent and respected old age. At Ling's earnest words and prepared attitude an instant conviction of the truth of his assertions took possession of Chang.

After this, all the Kylang men and women collect in one house by annual rotation, and sing and drink immense quantities of chang till 10 p.m. The religious festivals begin soon after. One, the worshipping of the lamas by the laity, occurs in every village, and lasts from two to three days. It consists chiefly of music and dancing, while the lamas sit in rows, swilling chang and arrack.

Scarce had he gone when stealthily came Chang, Who read the same; but, peering closer, he Spied in a corner what Ching failed to see The words, "This tablet is erected here By those to whom the great Goh-Bang was dear."