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The town clock struck twelve. He sighed heavily; it was for the old times, the old days, the old life. It was several months before Aileen saw him. Her close attendance on Mrs. Champney and her avoidance of the precincts of The Gore Maggie complained loudly to Mrs. Googe that Aileen no longer ran in as she used to do, and Mrs.

One half of the remainder of the estate, real and personal, was bequeathed to Henry Van Ostend; the other half, in trust, to his daughter, Alice Maud Mary Van Ostend. The instrument bore the date of Champney Googe's commitment. The Last Word It is the day after Flamsted's first municipal election; after twenty years of progress it has attained to proud citizenship.

We're quite alone here; there's nobody in the house, and this shower will drive any loungers from the street." He was quite frank, although their relations to each other in regard to Miss Sally were still so undefined as to scarcely invite his confidence. Howbeit Champney took the proffered chair and the glass of julep which Courtland brought him.

He was a man, the living representative of two families, and who had a better right than he to some of his Aunt Meda's money? A right of blood, although on the Champney side distant and collateral.

I can't think of a better way of showing it than to induce you to put her in the way of earning her livelihood by her talent." Mrs. Champney made no direct reply. After a moment's silence she asked abruptly: "Have you ever said anything to her about this?" "Never a word." "Don't then; I don't want her to get any more new-fangled notions into her head."

You and your mother have been cheated out of your rights in what should be yours, and it's ten to one if you ever get a penny of it." Champney smiled at the little man's indignation. "All the more reason to congratulate me on my job, Tave." "Well, I do; only it don't set well, this other business. She ain't helped you any to it?" He asked half hesitatingly. "Not a red cent, Tave.

And I took great comfort in that thought and and my boy is the living image of Louis Champney." She withdrew her hands, clasping them nervously and rubbing them in each other. "Oh, I sinned, I sinned in thought, and I've been punished, but there was never anything more and last night I had to hear that from her!"

Here, look up," he took her bowed head tenderly between his hands and raised it, "look into my face; read it well interpret, and you will cease to idealize, mother." She wiped her eyes, half-smiling through her tears. "I'm not idealizing, Champney, and I didn't know I could be so weak; I think I think the telegram and your coming so unexpectedly "

When, at forty, he died without having fulfilled in any wise the great expectations of his townspeople and relations, the interest of the community, as well as of the family, centred in the prospects of Louis Champney Googe, his namesake, and nephew on his wife's side. Here, again, numerous family interests as well as communal speculations were disappointed.

The payment of this amount, by express stipulation, was to be made at the end of each year until Romanzo should come into his majority. By this arrangement, Mrs. Champney assured to herself the interest on the aforesaid thirty dollars, and congratulated herself on the fact that such increment might be credited to Milton Caukins as a minus quantity.