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Many alleged spies lived here unharassed, especially in the outlying farms; and credibility was lent to the current tales by the number of carrier pigeons seen passing over the lines, or by the incident of the two dogs which suddenly appeared early one dawn from the German lines, leapt our trenches, and were lost in the darkness behind, in spite of Challoner's frenzied attempts to shoot them.

The pup had squeezed himself squarely between Challoner's knees and was looking at him in a puzzled, questioning sort of way, as if to ask: "Why don't you come out from under that root and help get breakfast?" Challoner's hand came nearer, and Neewa crowded himself back until there was not another inch of room for him to fill. Then the miracle happened. The man-beast's paw touched his head.

Challoner's voice to tremble now, as reaching out his hand, he declared, with unmistakable feeling: "I have no son. I have no interest left in life, outside this room and the possibilities it contains for me. Your attachment to my daughter has created a bond between us, Mr. Brotherson, which I sincerely hope to see recognised by you."

At last her true nature was revealed to me. It was an awful moment, father awful!" Far into the night the three of us remained talking. At last, when we rose to separate, Albeury turned to me. "I sleep with you in your cabin to-night, Mr. Berrington," he said quietly. "And I have arranged that one of the stewardesses shall share Miss Challoner's cabin.

Ask Colonel Challoner to show it you." Millicent joined the others, and when she spoke about the picture Mrs. Chudleigh went away. She thought she had said enough, for her object had been to plant a seed of doubt about his son's character in Challoner's; mind.

Osborne has saved himself by becoming one of us, for when he marries Jasmine he will join us or else " He stopped abruptly. A moment later he added: "Two of your friends we still have to reckon with, though neither counts for much: Challoner's sister, and his son." A cold sweat broke out upon me as the ruffian mentioned Dick. God!

Upon the dressing-table beside her was Hermia Challoner's telegram, explaining her failure to reach Trouville; in her fingers a letter from a friend in Rouen telling her of John Markham's visit to that city and of his departure. Both the telegram and the letter were much crumpled, showing that they had been taken out and read before. There seemed no doubt about it now.

He was brave enough or arrogant enough to sign the questionable one with his full name. This may speak well for him, and it may not. It is for you to decide that. Where will you look for him, Sweetwater? No one here knows his address." "Not Miss Challoner's maid?" "No; the name is a new one to her.

Then he cleared out by himself; and I believe that if there was any food left in the place he carefully hid it." Harding took out a letter and handed it to Blake. "That," he said, "will show you how he would have profited. I found it in his pocket." Blake started. It was Colonel Challoner's handwriting, and was addressed to Clarke. "Read it," Benson advised; "it's justifiable."

She found confirmation of it in Hermia Challoner's disappearance in France, in her attitude toward Markham and in the announcement of her engagement to another man.