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"If that's so," put in Mr. Forman, who had been struck by a brilliant idea, "why not bring the child here, and let the Reverend Mr. Crashaw, or myself, put a few general questions to 'im?" "Ye-es," hesitated Crashaw, "that might be done; but, of course, the decision does not rest with us." "It rests with the Local Authority," mused Challis.

All of the despatches were timed three o'clock and each paper characterised its issue as an "Extra," with Challis Wrandall's name in huge type across as many columns as the dignity of the sheet permitted. Not one word of the girl! Absolute mystery! Mrs. Wrandall returned to her post beside the bed of the sleeper in the adjoining room.

Challis looked at her steadily for a few moments, trying to smother the wild flood of black suspicion aroused in him by the discovery of the letter, and confirmed by her sneering words, and then said quietly, but with a dangerous inflection in his voice "Remember you are my wife. If you have no regard for your own reputation, you shall have some for mine.

Challis was beginning to fear that even now he would be allowed no opportunity to open the subject of his mission. But quite suddenly Elmer dropped the shutter on his preoccupation, and with that ready adaptability which was so characteristic of the man, forgot his hobby for the time being, and turned his whole attention to a new subject.

The scene is set in a world of books, and in the background lingers the athletic figure and fair head of Lewes, the young Cambridge undergraduate, the disciple of science, hardly yet across the threshold which divides him from the knowledge of his own ignorance. "'Ave you read all these?" asked the Wonder. "A greater part of them in effect," replied Challis.

They, too, were beating among the gorse and brown bracken. They told me that Mr. Challis was at the cottage and I hurried on. All the neighbourhood, it seems, was searching for the Wonder. In the village I saw three or four women standing with aprons over their heads, talking together. I had never seen Pym so animated. I met Challis in the lane. He was coming away from Mrs. Stott's cottage.

That's queer. All the better for us. You might get a bit finer, Challis, in case they snick 'em." Wayburn, who had accompanied Fenn to the wicket at the beginning of Kay's first innings, had now for his partner one Walton, a large, unpleasant-looking youth, said to be a bit of a bruiser, and known to be a black sheep. He was one of those who made life at Kay's so close an imitation of an Inferno.

I should think so," Challis went on, when they had found firm going again. "The good man would not soil his devoted tongue by any condescension to oratio recta, but I gathered that the child had made light of his divine authority." "Great Cæsar!" ejaculated Lewes; "but that is immense. What did Crashaw do shake him?" "No; he certainly did not lay hands on him at all.

But Sir George B. Airy refused to be led in the direction of so great a possibility. It was in 1844 that Professor James Challis, of the Cambridge observatory, appealed to Sir George for the privilege of using or examining the recorded observations made at Greenwich of the movements of Uranus, saying that he wished these tables for a young friend of his, Mr.

His assurances to the women left a wide margin for personal doubt as to the prudence of the trip. Aside from the lateness of the start, it was, undoubtedly, an ill-assorted company for the woods. There was a wide margin also for suspense, as all mail facilities ceased at Challis. Early in November, about a week before the hunters were expected home, a packet came addressed to Moya.