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Challis called again next day, by himself this time; and the day after he dropped in at six o'clock while Mr. and Mrs. Stott were at tea. He put them at their ease by some magic of his personality, and insisted that they should continue their meal while he sat among the collapsed springs of the horsehair armchair.

He came back to London in September he made the return journey by steamer and found his secretary still working at the monograph on the primitive peoples of Melanesia. Lewes had spent the whole summer in Challis's town house in Eaton Square, whither all the material had been removed two days after that momentous afternoon in the library of Challis Court.

Her hair, now in order, was dark and thick and lay softly about her small ears and neck. She was not surprised, I repeat, for she had never known Challis Wrandall to show interest in any but the most attractive of her sex. She found herself smiling bitterly as she looked.

Challis nodded his head and murmured: "Quite, quite," occasionally. He seemed glad that Lewes should continue to talk. The lecture was interrupted by the appearance of the governess cart. "By Jove, he has come," ejaculated Challis in the middle of one of Lewes's periods. "You'll have to see me through this, my boy. I'm damned if I know how to take the child."

According to Schmidt, there is one crater in the interior, a little S.E. of the centre. SCORESBY. A much fore-shortened deep ring-plain, 36 miles in diameter, between Barrow and the limb. It has a central mountain with two peaks, which are very difficult to detect. CHALLIS. A ring-plain adjoining Scoresby on the N.E. It is of about the same size and shape.

What will you have tea, whisky, beer?" Challis's résumé of the facts need not be reported. When it was accomplished, Elmer put several keen questions, and finally delivered his verdict thus: "We must see the boy, Challis. Personally I am, of course, satisfied, but we must not give Crashaw opportunity to raise endless questions, as he can and will.

That would be unbecoming to me, even as it would be if thou climbed a tree for a coconut," and the daughter of the Tropics laughed merrily as she patted Challis on his sunburnt cheek. Challis rose, and going to a little table, took from it the ring. "See, Nalia, I am not lazy as thou sayest. This is thine." The girl with an eager "AUE!" took the bauble and placed it on her finger.

"I believe they quite approve of what she has done. Nothing will come of it." He walked on in silence for a couple of rods. "I have a feeling they will never know who killed Challis Wrandall," he said. "It is a mystery that can't be solved by deduction or theory, and there is nothing else for them to work on, as I understand the case.

It was some time before Booth realised that she made but the slightest pretence of touching the food that was placed before her by the footman. And Leslie babbled on in blissful ignorance of, not to say disregard for, this strange ghost at the feast, for, to Booth's mind, the ghost of Challis Wrandall was there.

She certainly atoned by her own manner for my irreverence; she very obviously tried to impress me. I professed submission, but was not intimidated, rather my curiosity was aroused. Mrs. Berridge was not able to tell me the one thing I most desired to know, whether the lord of Challis Court was in residence; but it was not far to walk, and I set out about two o'clock.