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The new cult of Chaitanya and his enthronement over against Jesus Christ are manifest in the titles of two recent publications in Bengal, the first entitled, Lord Gauranga, or Salvation for all, and the other, Chaitanya's Message of Love.

The theory underlying their strange practices seems to be that Kṛishṇa is the only male and that all mankind should cultivate sentiments of female love for him. I can entirely confirm what he says. V. and Jadunath Sarkar, Chaitanya's Pilgrimages and teachings from the Caitanya-Caritâmrita of Kṛishṇa Das founded on the earlier Caitanya-Caritra of Brindavan.

The offences of Krishna and Arjuna would not be condoned in mortals; the vile orgies of the "left-handed worshippers" of Siva would not be tolerated but for their religious character. The murders committed by the Thugs in honor of Kali were winked at only because a goddess demanded them. The naked processions of Chaitanya's followers would be dispersed by the police anywhere but in India.

In order to keep up the resemblance to K.rish.na, the Charitamrita treats us to a long series of stories about Chaitanya's childish sports among the young Hindu women of the village.

The singing of hymns about Radha and K.rish.na is much older than Chaitanya's age.

His friends took it in turns to watch by his side all night lest he should do himself some injury. The leading principle that underlies the whole of Chaitanya's system is Bhakti or devotion; and the principle is exemplified and illustrated by the mutual loves of Radha and K.rish.na.