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"It will be a change, at any rate, and we'll feel we're marching with the times." "When does the 'back-to-the-land' teacher come?" "On Friday, I believe." Miss Chadwick, the graduate of Birchgate Horticultural College, who was to run the new experiment, arrived at the end of the week, and brought two students as her assistants.

The more interested he grew, it seemed to him, the lower they pitched their voices. Creeping carefully across the floor, he curled up on his pillow just inside the doorway, where the shadows fell heaviest, and where he could enjoy every word of the conversation, without straining his ears to listen. "Gawge Chadwick came home yestiddy," announced Uncle Billy. "Sho now!" exclaimed Mammy.

Of course, he had no trade. The manual skill of a policeman is useless outside the police force. One cannot sell it in other markets. People said that Chadwick was a fool to leave the police force. He was; but he was a sublime and dignified fool in his idle folly.

She wouldn't have asked him to pay such a price, not for all the Champneyses dead and gone! But Chadwick Champneys had held him to his bargain, had forced him to give his name, his father's name, of which his mother had been so proud. Peter smarted with humiliation. It was as if he had been bought and sold, and he writhed under the disgrace of such bondage.

"I hate coming out in a wind," said Peggy, holding her hands over her rumpled hair. "I say, did you, or did you not see Miss Chadwick, Miss Ormrod, and Miss Carr bike off to Glenbury? Are they all three gone?" "Of course they're gone!" "You saw them with your own eyes?"

Chadwick was over forty before she opened a bank account; that Jonah was over forty before he saw a whale; that President Roosevelt was over forty before he saw a self-folding lion; that Kuropatkin was over forty before he learned to make five retreats grow where only one retreat grew before; that George Washington was over forty before he was struck with the idea of making Valley Forge a winter resort; and so forth, and so forth, world without end.

"Well, Chadwick for one; and Merrett and Ruthven and three other chaps." "Then," said Linton with some warmth, "I think you'll have to do without me. I believe you're mad." And he went off in disgust to the fives-courts.

The names of Rawlinson, Chadwick and Simon remain as those of the prime movers in that legislation which has given us improved water supply, sewerage, removal of dust heaps, clearance of cesspits, cleansing of houses, and prevention of over-crowding.

Jack ground down his brakes in chagrin. "Blocked!" he exclaimed disgustedly. "What awful luck," muttered Tom. "Isn't there any way we can get by?" inquired the doctor anxiously. "It's important that I should reach Mr. Chadwick as soon as possible." Jack made no reply, but bent over the gas-valve. In an instant the gas was hissing into the balloon bag.

Rear-Admiral Sampson and Captain Chadwick were on the bridge of the New York during the entire time. At five o’clock thin streams of smoke were seen against the western shore, quite close to the Spanish batteries, and strong glasses made out the launch of the New York returning to the flag-ship.