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"I can issue a commission, you know, to the rural dean," said the bishop mildly. "Yes, you can do that. And Dr Tempest in two months' time will have named his assessors " "Dr Tempest must not name them; the bishop must name them," said Mrs Proudie. "It is customary to leave that to the rural dean," said Mr Chadwick. "The bishop no doubt can object to any one named."

Chadwick had worked out this radical departure in telephony, they knew nothing. "Well, what did you think of it, boys?" asked Mr. Chadwick when they returned to the workshop. "Wonderful, beyond anything I could have imagined," declared Jack. "How far will it work?" asked Tom. "That's just the point," said Mr. Chadwick. "That's where I'm at sea.

Geraldine was beginning, when Julia interrupted soothingly: "See here, I have the car here; Chadwick was to come back at five. Let me send him for the things! What do we want?" "Well, we don't want to keep you, lovey," her mother began. But Julia was already writing a list. "Indeed I'm going to stay and have some with you, Mrs. "Chops for the family aren't those quickest?

Chadwick has thus bored through in his lifetime must have been immense; and could they now be presented before him in one pile, they would appal even his stout heart! The sensation excited throughout the country by the publication of Mr. Chadwick's Sanitary Report was immense.

Chadwick, "we find that the problem in radio telephony is the same as that met with in ordinary wire telephony. That is to say, we are required to cause a distant metal disc to repeat every inflection of the transmitter. But in the case of radio telephony the result is to be obtained by Hertzian waves, instead of by a current passing through an insulated wire."

"Two months from to-day then, October 13th, our Syndicate of Annihilation will declare its dividend; this will require the summary taking off of the Forty Transgressors and our self-immolation." Chadwick pronounces these words slowly, impressively: "We will separate to-night never to meet again in this life. "If we are true to our purpose we will not have died in vain."

Chadwick listening eagerly to the tales of his son and the latter's chum. But at last he looked at his watch. "Why, it's after midnight," he exclaimed. "Time for bed." Frank led the way to the room he had occupied since babyhood. This Jack was to share with him during his stay.

That she was slightly declassee was clear in the first glance. And she represented all that the word could be made to mean liaisons, familiarity with fashionable restaurants, and the latest French literature. Lord Chadwick saw that she was out of temper, and wondered what was the cause. He had not yet spoken to her; she was singing when he came into the room.

I need a metal of greater conductivity than any attainable to get real results. The carbon that I am using does not throw off enough radio activity to produce a sufficient number of electric impulses to the atmosphere." Jack and Tom looked puzzled. "You don't understand me I see," said Mr. Chadwick. "No, I must say I don't," said Jack; "you see " "It's pretty technical," broke in Tom.

A few moments later a man attired in the uniform of a British captain came over the side. He approached Frank, who was barely visible in the darkness. "Captain Templeton?" he asked. "No, sir. I'm Lieutenant Chadwick. A moment, sir, and I'll call the captain." "If you please," said the visitor. Frank passed the word for the quartermaster, who arrived within a few moments.