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On the contrary, every wrinkle was twisted into curls and curves of hilarity. He even went so far during dinner as to correct his master in so slight a detail as to where Captain Loynes was hit in the famous duel between the colonel's father and that distinguished Virginian. "Are you shore, Chad, it was in the leg?" "Yes, sah, berry sho.

A scarlet figure flashed like a flame out of the door, with an answering cry, and the Turners followed: "Why, boy," roared old Joel. "Mammy, hit's Chad!" Dolph dropped an armful of feed. The man with the axe left it stuck in a log, and each man shouted: "Chad!"

A silver thread of streamlet, swift but shallow, runs noisily through the meadows beside the town and loses itself in the Chad, about a mile and a half farther eastward.

"Don't tech it agin," he said, and he strode away. The big fellow lay blinking. He did not open his lips when, in a moment, Yankee Jake slouched in with a canteen of water. When Chad came back, one giant was drawing on the other a pair of socks. The other was still silent and had his face turned the other way. Looking up, Jake met Chad's surprised gaze with a grin.

Dean's eyes filled with tears, and a sob broke from Margaret. "There is no one else," she said, and Chad bowed. "In the house," she added, proudly, scorning the subterfuge. "Search the barn," said Chad, "quick!" The Sergeant ran down the steps. "I reckon you are a little too late, my friend," said Dan. "Why, bless me, it's my old friend Chad and a lieutenant!

Then the artillery of the thunder crashed in earnest through the shaking heavens, and the mists below pitched like smoke belched from gigantic unseen cannon. The coming sun answered with upleaping swords of fire and, as the black thunder hosts swept overhead, Chad saw, for one moment, the whole east in a writhing storm of fire.

I cannot have him teaching my children mischief. Why I believe Margaret is really fond of him. I know Harry and Dan are." The General looked thoughtful. "I will speak to Major Buford about him," he said, and he did no little to that gentleman's confusion though he defended Chad staunchly and the two friends parted with some heat.

He surrendered himself accordingly to so approved a gift; for what was the meaning of the facility but that others DID surrender themselves? He didn't want, luckily, to prevent Chad from living; but he was quite aware that even if he had he would himself have thoroughly gone to pieces.

Snowball was to be Dan's squire and black Rufus, Harry's body-servant, would be squire to Chad. Harry was King John, the other pickaninnies would be varlets and vassals, and outraged Uncle Tom, so Dan told him, would, "by the beard of Abraham," have to be a "Dog of an Unbeliever."

And the little girl shook her head over her frightful crime of disobedience. "You HAIN'T?" Melissa, too, was a waif, and Chad looked at her with a wave of new affection and pity. "Now, why won't you go back just because you hain't got no daddy an' mammy?" Chad hesitated. There was no use making Melissa unhappy.