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You have only to provide yourself with a card, something like that you have to show at the Army and Navy Stores in London, when you first go to buy there, which certifies that you belong to this or that working-phalanx, and that you have not failed in the Obligatories for such and such a length of time.

The same, in the street, where he lays hold of a man passing, on account of his looks; the justice of the peace, Joly, certifies to the civism of this person, and he "eyes" Joly: "You too, you are an aristocrat! I see it in your eyes! I never make a mistake." Whereupon, tearing off the Judge's badge, he sends him to prison. He shouts to one of them, "You are a muscadin!"

"However, I have been instructed by a person who need not be named, who has indeed stipulated that no name shall be mentioned, to advance you the sum of five hundred guineas, which I have here in my drawer, and which I will now proceed to count out to you if you, in the mean time, will sign this receipt, which acquits me of all responsibility and certifies that I have handed the money over to you without rebate or reduction."

All by itself it certifies to the world that the most populous civilized nation, in the earth has a just pride in her stupendous stretch of sea-front, and is determined to assert and maintain her rightful place as one of the Great Maritime Powers of the Planet. All by itself it is making foreign eyes familiar with a Flag which they have not seen before for forty years, outside of the museum.

In view of these things, how vain is a college degree that certifies, as the diplomas of Saint Andrews still certify, that the holder is not one of the "ignorant-vulgar"! Isn't a man who prides himself on not belonging to the "ignorant-vulgar" apt to be atrociously ignorant and outrageously vulgar?

If, as my Lord Ormond certifies, it be true that they are no older, it is very monstrous.

God rested because His work was finished, and was 'very good. So Jesus sits, because He, too, has finished His work on earth. 'When, and because 'He had by Himself purged our sins, He sat down on the right hand of God. Further, that place at the right hand of God certifies that He is the Judge. Further, it is a blessed vision for His children, as being the sure pledge of their glory.

All that can save it, preserve to it worth and dignity, maintain its self-respect and mastery, is to find that abundant power without which confesses, certifies and seals the divinity within.

I have no doubt of her being honest and truthful, and I believe she is so considered by all who became acquainted with her. Worcester, Feb., 1856. Worcester, ss. Holden, Nov. 11, 1854. This certifies that I this day united in marriage, Frederick S. Richardson and Sarah J. Richards, both of Worcester. CHARLES CHAFFIN, Justice of the Peace.

The Indian girls married very young. The polygamous Powhatan had a large number of wives, but of all his women, his favorites were a dozen "for the most part very young women," the names of whom Strachey obtained from one Kemps, an Indian a good deal about camp, whom Smith certifies was a great villain. Strachey gives a list of the names of twelve of them, at the head of which is Winganuske.