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An ancient certificate, preserved among his papers, informs the curious explorer, that, of which the said Stephen Girard was part owner. Lucky was it for Girard that he got into Philadelphia just when he did, with all his possessions with him. He had the narrowest escape from capture.

Hogarth's death a good deal might be got out of the heir; and she had not parted with the certificate of her marriage, or of her child's baptismal register, in case he had left no will, and the heirat-law had to be found. She had sent copies of these documents, very admirably executed by a Sydney friend, who had been sent across the ocean for similar instances of skill, to Mr.

I am told that there are a great many illegal and fraudulent surveys in this office. I suppose this one is all right?" "No," said Sharp. "The certificate is missing. It is invalid." "That paper I just saw you place in that file, I suppose is something else field notes, or a transfer probably?" "Yes," said Sharp, hurriedly, "corrected field notes. Excuse me, I am a little pressed for time."

A third cover bore the superscription, "CERTIFICATE," in bold characters. The negress' watchful eyes dilated with greedy expectancy at Mrs. Dorrance's ghastly face when this last had been examind, but she was foiled if she hoped for any valuable addition to her store of information, or anything resembling elucidation of her pet mystery.

As to the other matter, I suggested that the officers would have had more to say about it than Ready, if there had been anything in it. "Officers be damned!" cried our consumptive, with a sound man's vigor. "They're ordinary seamen dressed up; I don't believe they've a second mate's certificate between them, and they're frightened out of their souls." "Well, anyhow, the skipper isn't that."

Nevertheless, the sudden encounter was most startling, and from where I stood behind a great marble column I watched them. At last both rose and crossing themselves piously, walked slowly to the door. I followed them. It surely could not be that the girl whose death certificate I had forged, and whose body had been reduced to ashes, was actually alive and well!

He must give his name, his age, his residence, and a certificate, if required, from his parish priest; and then, should the object of his journey be approved of, a description of his person will be taken down, a passport will be made out, for which he must pay some six or eight pauls; and after this process has been gone through, but not sooner, he may set out on his little journey.

One was a certificate of marriage, the other of a birth and baptism; there was no mistake. Holding the papers in one hand and the bag in the other, she went on to the house, from which shouts of laughter were issuing, Nina's voice, and Marian's, and Tom's, and Dick's, and Mrs. Tracy's.

And another venerable octavo, containing a certificate from Sir Christopher Wren to its authenticity, entitled "Knox's Captivity in Ceylon, 1681" abounding in stories about the Devil, who was superstitiously supposed to tyrannise over that unfortunate land: to mollify him, the priests offered up buttermilk, red cocks, and sausages; and the Devil ran roaring about in the woods, frightening travellers out of their wits; insomuch that the Islanders bitterly lamented to Knox that their country was full of devils, and consequently, there was no hope for their eventual well-being.

Witnesses. No marriage should be performed in any church or chapel unless at least two witnesses are present, who also attest the signing of the parish register. The ordinary fee for the certificate, or "marriage lines," is 2s. 7d., including the stamp, but this charge may vary a little. The Civil Contract. This may be done by certificate or licence.