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An old-looking wooden mosque, twenty years old according to reports, stands at the turn of the road. Near by is a cemetery covered with a large growth of ferns and grass, which hides the ugly small monuments of the graves. The houses lie along a single street in the shade of cocoanut-palms and other trees.

Thus it happened that Transcendentalism came to be associated in the public mind with any exceptional mode or theory of life. Sleepy Hollow, before it was converted into a cemetery, was one of the most attractive sylvan resorts in the environs of Concord.

"Let us observe carefully how Destiny will unfold the tragedy which began in the cemetery." But this time the philosopher was truly mistaken. The tragedy had begun long before. It is the tenth of November, the eve of the fiesta to be celebrated in the town of San Diego.

To go away somewhere, however, was proposed as my only alternative to migrating down to the hideous cemetery among the bogs and jackals of Chowringhee. But where should I go? After having been shot once and drowned twice when a boy, I had been ship-wrecked at the mouth of the sacred and accursed Ganges, and had just escaped with my life and Greek lexicon.

Before she had reached the head of the stairs her grandmother's voice called her hack. Reluctantly she returned. Mrs. Whittredge had risen and now came to meet her and put her arm around her, and her voice was soft and full of affection as she asked, "Do you want to go to the cemetery with me this afternoon, pet? Aunt Genevieve has the carriage, and I think a walk will do me good."

When some of the boys called on him at Washington, on their way home in June, he requested them to say nothing to his friends about the extent of his wounds. But from some cause perhaps gangrene he died August 3d, and is buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington. Nearly opposite Lewis lay a young man of very fine face and attractive appearance. He was mortally wounded.

On quitting them he walked thoughtfully through the winding streets in the vicinity of the great cemetery of Alexandria, which are peopled by the makers of funeral urns. Their shops were full of clay figures painted in bright colours and representing gods and goddesses, mimes, women, winged sprites, &c., such as were usually buried with the dead.

You are most healthily situated here," he added, looking up at the cornice. "Yes; I am lodged like a canon," replied Birotteau. "And I like a vicar," said the other, humbly. "But you will soon be settled in the archbishop's palace," said the kindly vicar, who wanted everybody to be happy. "Yes, or in the cemetery, but God's will be done!" and Troubert raised his eyes to heaven resignedly.

Ah, Barbara, darling, I can see that you want me to be taken away to the Volkovo Cemetery in a broken-down old hearse, with some poor outcast of the streets to accompany my coffin as chief mourner, and the gravediggers to heap my body with clay, and depart and leave me there. How wrong of you, how wrong of you, my beloved! Yes, by heavens, how wrong of you!

The answer is here in the quarries that, having dehumanised man, have themselves become obscene. The frightful leprous glare of crude whiteness that shines in every cemetery in Europe marks only the dead; the material has in some strange way lost its beauty, and with the loss of beauty in the material the art of sculpture has been lost.