United States or Zambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So they sold to the only possible purchaser, Hector McKaye, and departed, quite satisfied with a profit which they flattered themselves had been the result of their own prudence and foresight. Thus, in the course of ten years, Hector McKaye' acquired ten thousand acres of splendid Douglas fir and white cedar. But he had not been successful in acquiring claims along the south bank of the Skookum.

We started off at about eleven o'clock and had ridden about seven miles, when while we were on a big plateau, back of Cedar Bluffs we suddenly discovered a band of Indians coming out of the head of a ravine, half a mile distant, and charging down upon us at full speed. I thought that our end had come this time.

"What do you buy cedar posts for, when you have enough better ones on the place?" asked Thompson. "I don't know what you mean." "Well, down in the wood yonder there's enough dead white oak, standing or on the ground, to make three thousand, nine-foot posts, and one seasoned white oak will outlast two cedars, and it is twice as strong." "Well, that's good! How much will it cost to get them out?"

It seemed to be a strong town in money, and I had a young man pointed out to me who was said to command unlimited capital and who was associated with banks and land companies in Cedar Rapids and Sioux City, I suppose he was a Greene, a Weare, a Graves, a Johnson or a Lusch.

Then he began to walk beneath the mighty cedar trees, and I with him, but keeping one pace behind. 'Teule, he said at length, 'tell me of your countrymen, and why they have come to these shores. See that you speak truth. 'They are no countrymen of mine, O Montezuma, I answered, 'though my mother was one of them. 'Did I not bid you speak the truth, Teule?

The bordering country is clothed with a dense forest of spruce, hemlock and cedar. The entrance to which was first shown on Judge Swan's map of his reconnoisance along these shores in 1883, opens into the channel three and a half miles from the west coast entrance.

Again his view became restricted, and he lost the sense of a slow and gradual uplift of rock and an increase in the scale of proportion. Half-way up this ascent he was compelled to rest; and again the sun was slanting low when he entered the cedar forest. Soon he was descending, and he suddenly came into the open to face a scene that made his heart beat thick and fast.

Take good care of yourself, and, generally speaking, don't start your whisky till your day's painting is done. I stood for some minutes on the corner of Broadway as his gaunt form merged into the glow that fell full into Cedar Street from the setting sun. I wondered if the hour recalled the old days on the farm and the formation of his first manner.

Stop, sir! do not strike me! listen! I know the truth of every thing now. She talked with him for an hour under the big cedar, near the parsonage last night. He will see her again to-night, and in this house hear me to the end, sir! You will not harm him; you will care nothing for all this; you will not know it, for you will be dead, sir!

Is it God's will that we institute, according to the model of the Primitive Church, a ministerial order of our own?" For weeks they had prayed and fasted day and night. About sixty Brethren arrived. The Synod was held in a tanner's cottage, under a cedar tree; and the guiding spirit Gregory the Patriarch, for his dream was haunting him still.