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That power does not cease to be a deity which is not immediately before his mind. It is still a deity, and in a while he will turn to it again, and make it first. Thus it comes about by inevitable logic that when man gets his gods from nature, he has a number of them.

If only my husband can be brought to see that I am not guilty, that he wouldn't win the suit, then perhaps he would cease from it. I will give all the money I can all I have!" Piers stood reflecting. "Tell me all the details you have learnt," he said. "What evidence do they rely on?" Her head bowed, her voice broken, she told of place and time and the assertions of so-called witnesses.

Brice, when you and I shall be foreigners one to the other." "You have forgotten," he said eagerly, "you have forgotten the rest of the quotation. 'I do not expect the Union to be dissolved I do not expect the house to fall but cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other." Virginia laughed. "That seemed to me very equivocal," said she. "Your rail-sputter is well named."

Part of the horror of the Indian, his deadly pursuit, and the deadly ending passed. He ached with weariness and his nerves were quite unstrung, but the snow would cease, the skies would clear, and then he could tell which way lay the mountains and his brother. He rested here longer than usual and studied the plain as far as he could see it.

She took his hand and held it when he told her of their marriage. She cried softly, because she feared that she might again become as she had been; but he said that was impossible, and smiled confidently, and all the time he was watching in agony for the change. "Do you forgive me, Grizel? I have always had a dread that when you recovered you would cease to care for me."

So let us cease this talk of skull crushing and converse upon more pleasant subjects. Have you breakfasted, Sir Horse?" "Not yet," replied Jim. "But here is plenty of excellent clover, so if you will excuse me I will eat now." "He's a vegetarian," remarked the Tiger, as the horse began to munch the clover.

Another moment and she was in the land where hunger and thirst are unknown where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. The mourners were still standing in silence gazing on the dead, when a loud noise and stamping of feet was heard at the entrance of the cave.

These turnings gave her time, and they had also the effect of gradually bringing both canoe and Ark within the deeper gloom, cast by the shadows from the hills. They also gradually increased the distance between the fugitive and her pursuers, until Judith called out to her companions to cease rowing, for she had completely lost sight of the canoe.

But what have you done in crushing us? You have crushed the arm of the throne, and have not put anything in its place. Yes, I no longer doubt that the Cardinal-Duke will wholly accomplish his design; the great nobility will leave and lose their lands, and, ceasing to be great proprietors, they will cease to be a great power.

Pray do not call what I consider the wisest action of my life by such a name. Consider, by becoming a gardener I effectually screen our meetings from all suspicion or danger." "I beseech of you, Maximilian, to cease trifling, and tell me what you really mean."