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Dudley Wilbraham, whom the wolves had eaten little, fat, with a face more like an egg than ever, but whole and alive stood in the dimness of the cave behind the fire and my Skunk's Misery boy! Paulette said, "Oh my heavens, Dudley!" and went straight to pieces. I don't know that I made much of a job of being calm myself. All I could get out was, "The wolves!

I just know that they talked as if they were looking for a cave or a hole in the ground or some place where somebody had hid a lot of plunder." "Sure you know it. An' why wouldn't it be a cave? An' didn't you say the big man said he'd bet Indians had bullion hid in same cave they were hunting. Didn't you?" "That isn't saying it's so," objected Glen.

"I I thought you were the Indian," mattered Tad in a sheepish tone. "If it had been, there would have been no need for my interference." "Where is he?" "Over there, tied up. Both of them are. We'll decide what to do with them when we get the party together." "Tell me what happened," begged Tad. The other fellow was so busy watching the cave that he forgot to keep his ears open.

"Perhaps we shall find that there isn't a cave at all and that we are not sitting on a flat rock outside of it," suggested Bastin with heavy sarcasm, adding, "You are clever in your way, Bickley, but you can talk more rubbish than any man I ever knew." "They told us they would come back tonight or tomorrow," I said. "If they do, what will you say then, Bickley?"

While he was far away the cloud-cave looked like a dark hole in the midst of a soft, white, woolly mass, such as one sees in the sky on an April day; but as he came nearer he found the cloud was as hard as a rock, and covered with a kind of dry, white grass. When he got there, he sat down on a tuft of grass near the cave, and considered what he should do next.

Ab was especially delighted. He was determined to feed his cubs with the utmost care and to keep them alive and growing. He was full of the fancy and delighted in it, but he had assumed a great responsibility. The cubs were tied in a corner of the cave and at once commanded the attention and unbounded admiration of Bark and Beech-Leaf.

The individual club at the mouth of the cave protecting the family has become for England a surrounding line of steel ships; for the United States, of 100,000,000 people, a mere outline of a military defensive organization, to be filled in when needed.

Then they all went, still howling, till presently I was alone. "And now, Umslopogaas, it is time to sleep; to-morrow night I will end my tale." Now, my father, on the morrow night, once again Umslopogaas and Galazi the wolf sat by the fire in the mouth of their cave, as we sit to-night, my father, and Galazi took up his tale.

"Do you think," he continued as he looked about him, "that if we were to make a fire in the cave the Magician could see the smoke?" "I do not know," answered King Cyril, "it might be very risky to try; but anyway let us see if there is not another entrance to the cave."

"If you'll keep that impertinent little gutter-snipe still," Antoine snarled, "I'll answer such questions as seem to me to be worth answering." "Are you the man who was seen sitting half-asleep before a fire in a cavern three nights ago?" asked the boy. The man hesitated for a moment, as if in deep thought, and then answered with an exclamation of impatience. "Were you in the cave that night?"