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With only enough humor to save him, he had a sternness more of the puritan than of the cavalier blood from which he had sprung. Above all was he informed with that new spirit brooding upon the face of all the waters, a spirit that for want of a better name one might call the Race Conscience.

I ask your hand for a brave, handsome, and young cavalier." "Thank you very much for the honor, my dear Bernat bácsi, but I intend to remain faithful to my vow never to marry." "Then you send me out of your house with a mitten, Katinka hugom?" "I should prefer to detain you as a welcome guest." "Thanks; but I cannot stop to-day. I am invited to a betrothal feast over at the Nameless Castle.

He replied very spiritedly and pertinently that these dames were "not desiryable women as to temporal graces," which was certainly sufficient and proper reason for any man to give, were he Puritan or Cavalier.

Nothing stands betwixt me and my father's kindness, but these unhappy family divisions but your ill-timed presence here for Heaven's sake, leave us!" "So, mistress!" answered the hot old cavalier, "you play lady paramount already; and who but you! you would dictate to our train, I warrant, like Goneril and Regan!

'We've been to the Rue du Cavalier Barnard again to-day, he says, 'which I suppose is French for Barnard's-inn. Missus and them Austins must be very thick. Jarvis has no manners, you know, miss; and that's just his uncultivated way of speaking. But from what I've heard him remark, I'm sure Mrs.

One day, however, when the feast was at the Hotel de Bourgogne, and there were some slight differences in the order of the guests, the Duke of Bedford put himself forward as the Lady Esclairmonde's cavalier, so much to her relief, that her countenance, usually so guarded, relaxed into the bright, sweet smile of cheerfulness that was most natural to her.

"And, you see, my thoughts were true thoughts." Sir Rufus came closer to him, speaking in his ear. "I hope you hate all Roundheads," he said. "All damned rebels." Halfman's only answer was to whistle very softly the first few bars of a roaring Cavalier ballad. The grasp on Halfman's shoulder tightened. "There is one damned Roundhead here who vexes me," Sir Rufus said, fiercely.

This cavalier was our friend Ralph, who, having deposited Mr. Jinks upon the earth before they emerged from the willows in sight of the Bower of Nature, now came on, laughing, and ready for any adventure which should present itself. Ralph drew up before the house, tied his horse, and entered. Miss Sallianna rose graciously, smiling.

"Travellers, are you," said the voice; "why did you not tell me so before? I am not porter at this house to keep out travellers. Jesus Maria knows we have not so many of them that we need repulse any. Enter, cavalier, and welcome, you and your company." He opened the gate and admitted us into a spacious courtyard, and then forthwith again secured the gate with various bolts and bars.

In thought he set a thick black mark against their name, for their cavalier treatment of his Polly. And extended it to John Turnham as well. John had made no move to put hand to pocket; and Polly's niceness of feeling had stood in the way of her applying to him for aid.