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Cavalcanti would have hurled himself against the door but that I set a hand upon his arm to restrain him, and a finger of my other hand the one that held the dagger to my lips. Softly I tried the latch. I was amazed to find the door yield. And yet, where was the need to lock it?

Cavalcanti looked at Danglars with a stupefied air, and the latter, making an effort, arose and stepped between the two young men. Albert's attack on Andrea had placed him on a different footing, and he hoped this visit had another cause than that he had at first supposed.

Then, as now, life beat rapidly in Paris, one important thing followed the other, and it came about that the affair of the handsome "Prince Cavalcanti" was in danger of being tried before an audience consisting only of lawyers and policemen. The weather was miserable. The snow fell in thick flakes, and the cold was so penetrating that it became impossible to remain long out of doors.

Without heeding his exclamation, Evangelista Toricelli and Andrea Cavalcanti both of them grave, respectable, venerable men took him by the arm and led him to a seat immediately in front of the stage, taking their places on each side of him. This was no sooner done than there appeared on the boards Formica in the character of Pasquarello.

When he had finished, the ceremony was proceeded with. The marriage contract between Mademoiselle Eugenie and Count Andrea Cavalcanti was read, the millions mentioned therein causing a sensation even among the cream of the financial and aristocratic world, and the signing of the paper was next in order.

As Messer Guido dei Cavalcanti ended there went up a great shout of applause from the spectators, who were tickled with the thought of witnessing so new a way of ending a quarrel.

I heard a voice which was at once harsh and effeminate and quite detestable, saying in unfriendly tones: "The son of Giovanni d'Anguissola of Mondolfo, eh?" "The same, my lord," said Cavalcanti, adding generously "Giovanni d'Anguissola was my friend." "It is a friendship that does you little credit, sir," was the harsh answer. "It is not well to befriend the enemies of God."

'Major Cavalcanti, a worthy patrician of Lucca, a descendant of the Cavalcanti of Florence," continued Monte Cristo, reading aloud, "'possessing an income of half a million." Monte Cristo raised his eyes from the paper, and bowed. "Half a million," said he, "magnificent!" "Half a million, is it?" said the major.

But returning to Sebastiano: he also took a portrait of Signor Federigo da Bozzolo, and one of a captain in armour, I know not who, which is in the possession of Giulio de' Nobili at Florence. He painted a woman in Roman dress, which is in the house of Luca Torrigiani; and Giovan Battista Cavalcanti has a head by the same master's hand, which is not completely finished.

And since I kept the knowledge that Monna Vittoria had given me to myself yea, kept it even from Messer Guido Cavalcanti those in Florence that cared for verses still marvelled at the music of the unknown, and wondered as to his identity.