United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Unfortunately, these moments never lasted long, and he used to revenge himself on those who had surprised him in such reveries by indulging in the most caustic and cruel remarks which he could devise in order to goad them out of all patience.

We used to meet in each other's rooms, where, except our uniforms, we never saw anything. One civilian only was admitted into our society. He was about thirty- five years of age, and therefore we looked upon him as an old fellow. His experience gave him great advantage over us, and his habitual taciturnity, stern disposition, and caustic tongue produced a deep impression upon our young minds.

I applied the lunar caustic deeply in the wound, and directed a poultice and a cold lotion to be kept upon the inflamed parts; and suspecting fascial inflammation, I took away ten ounces of blood and administered purgative medicine. On the next day, the inflammation had greatly subsided; the cataplasm and lotion were continued.

When the case has been neglected, a small tumour is usually formed underneath the skin with smart stinging pain; this tumour should be removed entirely by the lancet, and the caustic should be applied, both to the surface of the wound and over the surrounding skin, to form an adherent eschar.

His arguments, it is true, were merely an elaboration of those with which he had favored some of us already; but they were pointed by a concise exposition of the several definite principles they represented, and barbed with a caustic rhetoric quite admirable in itself.

By the action of nitric acid in presence of mercury, a semi-solid mass is produced of a much deeper color than in the preceding cases. A portion of the oil remains in the liquid state, as is usually the case with drying oils. Free Acidity. By the method indicated, it was found that 100 grammes of oil required 0.39 grammes caustic potash to neutralize the acid occurring in a free state.

A day or two after December 15 the ministers and the court held a meeting at which very hot words passed between Governor Vane and Rev. Hugh Peter. Wilson, the pastor of Boston, also indulged in caustic criticisms directed at Governor Vane and the other friends of Mrs. Hutchinson.

My darling love but who comes here?" De Jones stood in the arbor door, and deadly was the smile he wore. J. Roland cried in abject fear: "Great Scott! What are you doing here! "Well may you ask," said Charles De Jones, in bitter, caustic, scathing tones. "You've dodged me for a dozen weeks, but now 'tis the avenger speaks you'll have to pay up what you owe, or to the county jug you'll go."

It was from these various divisions of the capitalist class that the most caustic and virtuous tirades against Gould came. The boards of trade and chambers of commerce were largely made up of men who, while assuming the most vaniloquent pretensions, were themselves malodorous with fraud.

I noted this as I stole an occasional glance at her or turned to answer some remark addressed to me; and I noted, too, that her speech, despite a general undertone of depression, was yet not without a certain caustic, ironical humour. She was certainly a rather enigmatical young person, but very decidedly interesting.